autofem lemon skunk lowrider


Active Member
finally took Amelia out for a photoshoot, she's a bit camera shy.

She's maturing into a sexy young thang and i cant wait to undress her and show her who's BAUSS. Yes im fucking stoked as fuck and i think im gonna harvest in about a week and a half. After this half week is over im going to put them in total darkness in a cold room for some sexy trichome boost. I read somewhere that the plant goes into a state of survival from the cold and starts producing more crystals, Wouldnt hurt to give it a try. Have only got the chance to flush her once.. she's still pretty heavy (filled with liquid) should i wait till the soil dries out more before i flush again?
soil usually takes about a week to get to the point where i can safely water again without OW.

decisions, decisions.



k, now that i've took a fat rip i remember that some of amelia has been smoked tonight, why you ask? My dumbass burnt the tip of one of the nodes so chopped it off with some scissors, sped cure'd it using a method i found here and damn either i did it wrong or it sucks cuz it tasted pretty nasty and didnt get me high.
it was a burnt up lil pile of weed tho...

anyways i bought a 45 watt cfl and i dropped it today
heres a shot of that cfl in the background with my othah othah side project


thats all for now and sorry its been a while.
no prob, i dont think i even put it up on my post. I figured everyone knew i'd be using 24hrs.
got any other grows goin on right now street?
I *maybe* am growing perpetually. But I probably am not because its illegal.

You heard any cases of people getting popped from internet posts?

I haven't was just curious.


Well-Known Member
Lookin really good Reax! Im stoked about my road runner, shes taking a little longer than I had hoped. I checked the trichs yesterday on her and they are only about 20% amber, I was hoping for her to be at 50% 4 days ago :( But, Im keeping my head up, although she wont be ready for christmas, she will be perfect when she is ready. lol


Active Member
ok I cut her down today and trimmed her up. =]

Dont know how much she weighs wet cuz i cant find my scale but i'll let you know.

Tried to use the trimmings to extract hash
long story short it didnt work cuz i used a screen from a window and all the shit i thought was keef was actually paint from the screen...


thats what it looked like used an old box and stapled the screen on it, gotta find me a better screen for next harvest.

anyways here she is hangin up to dry, ENJOY!
siiiick dude, how long did it take to trim her down? definitely let us know how the drying/curing process goes, i can't wait to hear that smoke report!! nice growing man!


Active Member
siiiick dude, how long did it take to trim her down? definitely let us know how the drying/curing process goes, i can't wait to hear that smoke report!! nice growing man!
it took me about an hour to trim and i have em inside a cardboard box drying with an exhaust fan. Thx for stopping in bro and i'll post updates till that smoke report comes in =]


Well-Known Member
Hell yah Reax! Im waiting to get pictures of the buds I have drying right now from the top half of RR. Unfortunately they all turned out really airy and are losing ALOT of weight in the drying process, but, I have high hopes for wonder woman as I can squeeze her buds and they dont give at all. But anyway, very nice man, I bet youre happy with the harvest.