Autoflower 17W LED windowsill grow


Hello All

The plant is a Diesel Ryder autoflower from Joint Doctor. It is now 3 weeks old, planted in normal potting soil and so far fed only unmodified tap water. I'm surprised that it smells so much already. The leaf damage you can see in some of the pics is due to light burn that happened about 1 week ago.

It's a windowsill grow, but I have added a 17Watt led light using 2 blue CREE XPE leds (440-460nm), 9 red CREE XPE leds (620-650 nm) and 1 2650K warm white.

Have a look at my pics and let me know if you think this setup will produce anything at all.

I remain cautiously optimistic.



Looks good, man.. However, I would have her in a bigger pot. 2 gallons seem to work great. The more root space the bigger the yield. Nice view from your window..


A little update.

She is now 4 weeks and 2 days old and doing ok. I'm glad to see that small nugs are apearing, but I'm beginning to realize that 17W + natural light from the window is not enough for her to produce as much as she could. Still having a few problems with light burn as I'm trying to keep the LED as close as possible.

Thanks Hendershot. I'm sure you are right and I will definately use a larger pot next time.



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She is now 6 weeks old. Flowering nicely. Most of the top leaves survived the previously mentioned light burn. I'm worried about the yellowing of the lower leaves though. Not sure if I am over or under feeding. Could it be N-deficiancy? Any opinion would be apreciated.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much about the yellowing leaves at this stage. It's towards the end of its lifecycle by now and some yellowing is natural. The rest of the plant is super green and almost looks to have signs of nute burn, judging by the tips of some of the leaves.

Looks good, tho.
Hows she getting along now?
My lowryder purple gem is flowering at about the same stage to, outside so I'm watching your progress :)