Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Well-Known Member
MI 5 update:


She is 21 days old and showing no sign of sex, which usually means a female. The males have shown quickly in the past. The 24 hours of light keeps the veg cycle running for a longer period of time. The roots have made it to the bottom and sides of the hugo block so an explosion of growth is comming soon


Well-Known Member
Strange. All I use is MG's MC. But I bake / flush it first.
hence me saying not to use it out of the bag... next time canon, i will follow ur given instructions on how to "treat" it first... my mistake was using it as is out of the bag...

"Dude you put a good fight. I know it's cliche but experience is the best teacher with weed. Sorry but I have to do this...

micro.grower OUT!!!" - beansley

thanks homie.. i tried my hardest, but your right, experience is your best teacher... thanks homie... it was good gettin to know ya...

"What's going on micro? RIU getting you down?

Whatever the case, thank you very much for contributing and sharing why your girl didn't make it."- kulong

riu hasnt gotten me down in the least bit.. its simply timefor micro to go underground... i have a few people to teach around my neck of the woods, and dont really want to be public about it.. im gonna use what i learned here on riu, and learn a few people a thing or two... lol... its been good gettin to know everyone i have gotten to know on here... all you guys are great.. like a far away family i have gotten to know.. even those that whine.. lol.. i hate the whinin, but whiners do remind me of those annoying cousins that you still have to love for who they are...

micros signing out one last time for journal post.. i.ll be lurkin and commentin here and there, but now more public grow journals.. that is all.. later homies...



Well-Known Member
why not just get better soil than mucking about with MG...

try biobizz all mix or light mix.. light is good for seedlings allmix is quite heavy, specially for auto's

or if you do want to muck about try Subcool's super soil << linkylink


hence me saying not to use it out of the bag... next time canon, i will follow ur given instructions on how to "treat" it first... my mistake was using it as is out of the bag...

"Dude you put a good fight. I know it's cliche but experience is the best teacher with weed. Sorry but I have to do this...

micro.grower OUT!!!" - beansley

thanks homie.. i tried my hardest, but your right, experience is your best teacher... thanks homie... it was good gettin to know ya...

"What's going on micro? RIU getting you down?

Whatever the case, thank you very much for contributing and sharing why your girl didn't make it."- kulong

riu hasnt gotten me down in the least bit.. its simply timefor micro to go underground... i have a few people to teach around my neck of the woods, and dont really want to be public about it.. im gonna use what i learned here on riu, and learn a few people a thing or two... lol... its been good gettin to know everyone i have gotten to know on here... all you guys are great.. like a far away family i have gotten to know.. even those that whine.. lol.. i hate the whinin, but whiners do remind me of those annoying cousins that you still have to love for who they are...

micros signing out one last time for journal post.. i.ll be lurkin and commentin here and there, but now more public grow journals.. that is all.. later homies...



Well-Known Member
why not just get better soil than mucking about with MG...

try biobizz all mix or light mix.. light is good for seedlings allmix is quite heavy, specially for auto's

or if you do want to muck about try Subcool's super soil << linkylink

It's all about knowing your soil. Doesn't matter all that much about the brand name on the bag.
I lke the MG MC because it's relatively consistant. Good drainage and predictable.

Anything else I may add would not sound nice (by some).


Well-Known Member
This statement got my curiosity. What is your resource to verify this? I would like to read more on it.
Not much of a resource,,, But I remember reading a study years ago from a Southern US University where they tried it on grapes and (I think) oranges.
As I remember it - It did indeed prolong the vegative state and the growth of vegitation increased significantly. However,, The lack of darkness was found to be the cause of poor fruitation(?). Production of marketable fruit fell.
I've no idea if or how that may relate to MJ.


Well-Known Member
This statement got my curiosity. What is your resource to verify this? I would like to read more on it.
It is only my experience with the genes I have, after many runs with different amounts of light time this is what I found on my plants to be true.

I am in no way making any statments about how auto's react to different situations, I am only reporting what I have found with this particular gene pool that I have been working with, thats it!

I am no master, I am just here to learn with everyone else:)


Well-Known Member
21 days.

No pistols and beginning to wonder if I should be concerned.

Besides the worry above, everything is going along perfectly. Strong steam, good color and no signs of any kind of deficiency.

21 Days April 30th.jpg


Well-Known Member
day 23 here and im seeing pistils, she's right on track with her older sisters
i transplanted last night into her new, and improved home
FFOF soil, 3 inches of hydroton on the bottom, seedling starter on top 1 inch

here's my diesel ryder


RIU Bulldog
gonna water tomorrow with nutes
A lot of people are afraid to feed their plants for some reason. Just know that your plant will produce less by being underfed than by being burned a little. I guess growers became jaded because they follow the feeding instructions on a bottle of nutes and killed the hell out of their plants, but I'm telling you, mary jane is a big fat hungry bitch. Most varieties can take all the nutes you can feed them, without being ridiculous of course. Your plants also look like they're showing the early signs of magnesium deficiency. Are you using r/o water or tap water? Your variety might just be a cal/mg hungy plant. Look up some backrounf on your plant. Look at the breeder of the plant's forums. It might need to be fed a little more cal/mag, and if so, it might be well know already. Either way, it looks hungry.

hence me saying not to use it out of the bag... next time canon, i will follow ur given instructions on how to "treat" it first... my mistake was using it as is out of the bag...

"Dude you put a good fight. I know it's cliche but experience is the best teacher with weed. Sorry but I have to do this...
micro.grower OUT!!!" - beansley

thanks homie.. i tried my hardest, but your right, experience is your best teacher... thanks homie... it was good gettin to know ya...

"What's going on micro? RIU getting you down?
Whatever the case, thank you very much for contributing and sharing why your girl didn't make it."- kulong

riu hasnt gotten me down in the least bit.. its simply timefor micro to go underground... i have a few people to teach around my neck of the woods, and dont really want to be public about it.. im gonna use what i learned here on riu, and learn a few people a thing or two... lol... its been good gettin to know everyone i have gotten to know on here... all you guys are great.. like a far away family i have gotten to know.. even those that whine.. lol.. i hate the whinin, but whiners do remind me of those annoying cousins that you still have to love for who they are...

micros signing out one last time for journal post.. i.ll be lurkin and commentin here and there, but now more public grow journals.. that is all.. later homies...
I don't blame you bro. I lurked for years before joining the forum because I don't beleive a good grower tell ANYONE no matter the laws in the state.
Until weed is federally legal, were all targets.

why not just get better soil than mucking about with MG...

try biobizz all mix or light mix.. light is good for seedlings allmix is quite heavy, specially for auto's

or if you do want to muck about try Subcool's super soil << linkylink

You don't need to bake MG... you just need to amend it with perlite and dolomite lime.

Not much of a resource,,, But I remember reading a study years ago from a Southern US University where they tried it on grapes and (I think) oranges.
As I remember it - It did indeed prolong the vegative state and the growth of vegitation increased significantly. However,, The lack of darkness was found to be the cause of poor fruitation(?). Production of marketable fruit fell.
I've no idea if or how that may relate to MJ.
Fruition is the word your looking for.

I don't care what anyone say's, I've spoken to my plants, and they like the light off at night meatballs.gif


RIU Bulldog
i only use tap water. if t is hungry for Mg, what couldi use to feed her?
Epsom salt is a goo source of magnesium. The good thing about it too is that you can foliar feed it Epsom salt & water and get it to the plant faster.
Otherwise sprinkle it over the soil an water normally.
I think you can dissolved it in hot water then add it to some cold water and feed your plant that way but I've never done that, that I can remember.

Remember to do your own research too man. Every plant and environment and grower is different and I don't wanna be solely responsible for killing your plant.
It looks like mag deficiency to me, but I've only grown 7 cycles myself. I'm not a pro. That said, I still believe what I said.
Have you gotten this pic yet? Decide for yourself;
View attachment 1577935


Well-Known Member
A lot of people are afraid to feed their plants for some reason. Just know that your plant will produce less by being underfed than by being burned a little. I guess growers became jaded because they follow the feeding instructions on a bottle of nutes and killed the hell out of their plants, but I'm telling you, mary jane is a big fat hungry bitch. Most varieties can take all the nutes you can feed them, without being ridiculous of course.
*Please realize that I am just having a conversation and mean no ill-will with my opinion below. I know we all disagree with each other. This is why The Cage is important, we can show what happens with documented proof. We are all here to learn. :)

I disagree with just about everything in the quoted statement. Mainly because it is full of assumptions of other growers practices. Mine included.

I personally am not afraid to feed my plants. I push them to the limit and one of the things I am proud of saying is that my girls have taught me when they are hungry and when they are not. One thing they are not, is greedy. They will show you when they are eating too much and it isn't pretty.

The statement, "your plant will produce less by being underfed than by being burned a little" is true in some situations, but in frenchies situation his plant was burnt by overfeeding and if he continued to feed her, she would have possibly died making this statement false. This is why they call it "nute burn". It looks like a burn. He flushed it and she started to recover. This is an indicator that she was burnt.

Now it is time for frenchie to feed her starting at 1/3 strenght and moving up to no more than 1/2 strength of the manufacturers recommended dosage.

Also, I do not think there is anyone here that feeds their girls "per instruction" of the manufacturer (besides your rare exceptions to the rule). Everyone on this forum, and I mean everyone, knows to go at most 1/2 strength. It is one of the first things everyone learns. Of course I go way below that for autos. Autos are very sensitive to nutrients in comparison to non-auto strains I have learned (look at my Snowryder grow, ugh...nute problems from the start), but I am preaching to the choir here on that subject.

And lasty, the statement, " Most varieties can take all the nutes you can feed them", I disagree with the most. No, Cannibus cannot take all the nutes you can feed them. I will leave my statement at that.

Hugs/beer/love/padded gloves... ;)

i only use tap water. if t is hungry for Mg, what couldi use to feed her?
I always prepare my soil with dolomite lime. 1 dry ounce per gallon.


Active Member
has n e one grown big bang n e info well help im growing hydro and use little cubes and attude seeds and organic nutrients wood like to kno wat to keep ppms and ph and other thing plz and thanks;-)


Active Member
i got this one kulong...

dont mean to be a dick but thats just a huge ass open ended question, in the wrong place.....seeing as you have 702 posts you must know your way around this site...try seed/strain reviews...or do an advanced search and type in big bang...or ppm...tons of info out there....i sometimes google the topic i want to research in RIU..seems to get better search results....


Well-Known Member
lol google def searches riu better than riu does... solid advise right there
i got this one kulong...

dont mean to be a dick but thats just a huge ass open ended question, in the wrong place.....seeing as you have 702 posts you must know your way around this site...try seed/strain reviews...or do an advanced search and type in big bang...or ppm...tons of info out there....i sometimes google the topic i want to research in RIU..seems to get better search results....