Autoflower chronic ryder has Thin stem and short leaves

baba chronic

New Member
Find attached my chronic ryder plant. It has very short leaves and thin stem. Plant is almost 6 weeks old. All leaves are green and new leaves are growing but very short in size. I am growing it in a normal size pot. Soil mix has soil, coco coir, fertilizer and compost. Light cycle is 12/12. Growing it just outside my windows so it gets sunlight and fresh air. Average temperature is just below 30c.

What should i do for improving stem and leaves health.??? is it some kind of nute deff ??

I live in a small fancy stuff available here :(



Active Member
At 6 weeks she should be a lot bigger than that.
My guess is that shes stunted coz of too many nutes in your medium too early.
once they are stunted they stay stunted IME and wnt yield a lot.


Active Member
So your plant was small before you added fertiliser and compost? Shes small for 4 weeks even.
So there could be something in your medium to start with.Did you flush/rinse your coco before use?
Coco can contain a lot of salts even if the seller says its washed.This salt can stunt your young plant if in enough


Active Member
IMO the damage has been done,and you dnt get a second chance once theyre stunted.
Probs best just to start again,sorry mate.Or grow her out just to see what she does.
Im no expert tho,so i could easily be wrong.