Autoflower Grow Questions!


Well-Known Member
is the light cycle the same with autos or did i read its 24/7 ???

From what I've read the ideal light cycle is 20/4 all the way through.

I attribute it to the theory of 13/11 for flowering in regular plants increases potency. More light during flower will increase yield.


Active Member
hello people does anyone no if easy ryder is a good quite easy strain to grow and is the yeild realy as good as they say thanks


Active Member
Here is a La Diva (around week 7), grown in soil & using CFLs 2xs 125w 6400K on a 20/4 schedule. The strain is really a "fire & forget" type of deal, give her a good watering once a week. Would be an awesome strain for a PC case type of stealth grow.



Well-Known Member
I also use Pro-mix BX. Love it.
Peace I have a qeustion for you on the pro mix BX. What does BX mean? And do you have any pH problems with it? I have it for my current medium and it is soft and spongy when dry (which I'm sure is great for roots). I didn't add anything to the mix and I used it to transplant my autos from 18oz cups to 2 gal. grow bags. It seems to be well (although the dust particles it kicks up under the oscillating fan I could do without), but I think I may have a pH problem and i wanted to know how you have went about adjusting it with this pro-mix.

Thanks for the time.....

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I also use Pro-mix BX. Love it.
Peace I have a qeustion for you on the pro mix BX. What does BX mean? And do you have any pH problems with it? I have it for my current medium and it is soft and spongy when dry (which I'm sure is great for roots). I didn't add anything to the mix and I used it to transplant my autos from 18oz cups to 2 gal. grow bags. It seems to be well (although the dust particles it kicks up under the oscillating fan I could do without), but I think I may have a pH problem and i wanted to know how you have went about adjusting it with this pro-mix.

Thanks for the time.....

It's already Ph'd balanced. The BX is for the Mycoirse(pardon my spelling) that they put in it. It is like a fungi/beneficial bacteria that attaches to the roots and helps facilitate the uptake of nutes. Remember when growing in Pro-mix or any soil-less media you need to provide adequate nutes. Also the ph problem, if there is one is probably in you water and or nutes.

here's the quote off the bag

PRO-MIX 'BX' MYCORISE® PRO is a "general purpose" peat-based growing medium with vermiculite and perlite, used for the cultivation of a wide variety of plant species. MYCORISE® PRO ensures stronger, healthier plants due to more developed root systems and better fertilizer uptake.


Well-Known Member
I currently have 5 Lowryder 2 that are looking great at about 40-45 days...2 are taller than the other 3 but all have bud all the way up....Just look at the bud..... I'm a first tiem grower and simply put these under FLOROS.....watered 'bout weekly and kept'em on a 24/0 schedule. Around 20 days old, they just took off...bushy as may make some holler, but I used miracle grow poting mix and pretty much ignored them except for making sure the floros were within an inch or two. Now under hps, they have continued at a pace that should see me with fresh lowryder bud the first week of Dec..dry , cured and smokable by christmas I hope.


Well-Known Member
It's already Ph'd balanced. The BX is for the Mycoirse(pardon my spelling) that they put in it. It is like a fungi/beneficial bacteria that attaches to the roots and helps facilitate the uptake of nutes. Remember when growing in Pro-mix or any soil-less media you need to provide adequate nutes. Also the ph problem, if there is one is probably in you water and or nutes.

here's the quote off the bag

PRO-MIX 'BX' MYCORISE® PRO is a "general purpose" peat-based growing medium with vermiculite and perlite, used for the cultivation of a wide variety of plant species. MYCORISE® PRO ensures stronger, healthier plants due to more developed root systems and better fertilizer uptake.

PEACE Thanks for the info. I still have the bag and I hadn't read it! Anyway, i was not actually sure of a pH problem it's just that the leaves of a few of my plants are growing deformed and i was told that it is a pH problem when that happens so I was wondering how to get it right in the soiless mix. The water is 7, but the nutes are Earth Juice Organics and are low in pH anyway. I don't have a way to get that straight as of yet because I can't find (and don't have it if I could) the Earth Juice up N down and I can't figure how to raise the pH effectively (of the nutes prior to watering). I just figured it would be easier to stabilize the soiless mix and it would handle itself. Thing is the soiless mix reads 7 on the meter! Just can't figure how to raise or lower the nutes. (baking soda and vinegar are said not to work as I have recently read in the organic threads).

Anyway Thanks and plus rep!

High all,

I need some really basic scientific help with my choice of soil which is very limited. I can either use a potting soil (VAM Bloemenerde) which is slightly alkalline and full of self releasing nutes, or use a soilless mix (50%Peat Moss, 50%Perlite) and add the nutes myself. The only thing is that we don't have US/UK household names like Pro-mix, BioBizz,etc in my part of the world.:wall:
So I need to know how to balance the NPK proportion for each stage if I go with the soilless mix. Knowing that AFs don't have a veg stage, would it be enough to add flowering nutes after the third week and stop just before harvest? It somehow seems wrong to me cause plants need Nitrogen to develop in the early stages, and like this they will be living off water alone until flowering.:!:



Active Member
as long as you know whats in your soil,and your cool with the nutes on that,after about 3 weeks when they start to fully flower,my bio bizz is 2.0 Nitrogen 6.5 Phosphorus,3.5 Pottasium,at 5ml full dose per 1 liter of water ,but depending on the concentration of what you have,its difficult to work out
THX for the reply Blue,

But if I'm using a soilless mix and start with flowering nutes after the 3rd week, then before that the plants are only living off water, correct? I was just wondering if that is normal, good or bad for the early growth stage. Maybe I should throw in some organic fert like manure or compost and make it 30% Peat, 30% Perlite and 30% Manure. Makes more sense to me. Whaddyathink?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
High all,

I need some really basic scientific help with my choice of soil which is very limited. I can either use a potting soil (VAM Bloemenerde) which is slightly alkalline and full of self releasing nutes, or use a soilless mix (50%Peat Moss, 50%Perlite) and add the nutes myself. The only thing is that we don't have US/UK household names like Pro-mix, BioBizz,etc in my part of the world.:wall:
So I need to know how to balance the NPK proportion for each stage if I go with the soilless mix. Knowing that AFs don't have a veg stage, would it be enough to add flowering nutes after the third week and stop just before harvest? It somehow seems wrong to me cause plants need Nitrogen to develop in the early stages, and like this they will be living off water alone until flowering.:!:


Use Marine Cuisine from Fox Farm. Stuff is awsome. Bat guano doesn't have all that I want and for the price this is your best bet. happy growing.
Hey NL!

Nice try, but I'll have to add "Fox Farm" to the list of unavailable products in my part of the world. I need some basic scientific info on what nutrient to add to the soiless mix during the first few weeks of germination without risking burning the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Hey NL!

Nice try, but I'll have to add "Fox Farm" to the list of unavailable products in my part of the world. I need some basic scientific info on what nutrient to add to the soiless mix during the first few weeks of germination without risking burning the ladies.

PEACE GRASSMEISTER, I fully understand your dilema and I suggest that you get some organic nutes to add to the soil in the begining and wait until flowering to add the bloom nutes ( although, I have read some use molasses and water during flowering and had great success). If you want something that will be cheap and efficient than you can try fish emulsion (really I mean aquarium water sans chemicals to soften the water). I have read a few people on here who have used it to a degree of success as well. Water for 2 weeks and then add the bloom nutes at a 1/4 strength. The common rule of thumb is to allow the plants to get at least the first two true leaves fully developed and when the second set is starting then you add nutes. That's the advice I have been given by many. That's about as far as I can take you but you should look into the organic thing because they are usually nutes that you can get at a grocery store, farm market or anywhere food is sold for the most part.

dolemite lime=calcium
molasses=Potassium and trace elements
epsom salts=magnesium
fish emulsion(or aquarium water)=nitrogen

I have not named all that I know because it escapes me at the moment, but if you want some non-burning materials I suggest the organic route. For veg or the begining stages of the autos life you can add fert with a degree of success (depending on strain of course) and you should have plenty access to at least a pet store and you can get a $2 goldfish for the purpose. JUST BE MINDFUL THAT YOU CANNOT ADD THE WATER SOFTENER TO THE MIX AND YOU MUST NOT WATER WITH STRAIGHT FISHTANK WATER.

That's my contribution, and I'm sure there are other varying opinions that you can get from more experienced growers. I trust that this at least puts you on the right path. Good luck and good growing....


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Hey NL!

Nice try, but I'll have to add "Fox Farm" to the list of unavailable products in my part of the world. I need some basic scientific info on what nutrient to add to the soiless mix during the first few weeks of germination without risking burning the ladies.

Worm Castings would be your best bet as they will not burn. You can also make a tea from them for a liquid feed:blsmoke:
THX for the replies folks,

That did put me on the right path. I am now looking into the organic threads and have found tonnes of information. Very practical stuff too. Organic growers also say that the smoke tastes alot smoother than with chem fert. So I guess I am going green!



Well-Known Member
THX for the replies folks,

That did put me on the right path. I am now looking into the organic threads and have found tonnes of information. Very practical stuff too. Organic growers also say that the smoke tastes alot smoother than with chem fert. So I guess I am going green!

whats up man,. im bout to start my first soil grow, comming from hydro and Im gonna go organic too.. can you post some of the resources that you found usefull? thank you if you could!!