Autoflower Life Cycle

I'm doing a grow and following along with Jorge Cervantes' "Marijuana Grow Basics". My question is: does the shorter overall life span of an autoflower change the occurrence of the milestones in a grow? In other words, if it says "Day 10, so on and so forth should be happening with your plants" is that going to be the same on day 10 of an autflower grow?

Does that make any sense? It's kind of hard to explain.
yo dude, never grown full sized plants just autos. If I could give any advice it would be whatever the info on the website said about '8 weeks plant to harvest' is bullshit.

just keep em on 18/6 whole time and wait for trichomes to start turning amber. The time taken will depend on many conditions: light intensity, temperaure, fresh air exchange (very important).

Use books for tips by all means, but the writer of the book cant see your babies. You need to learn to read them and listen to them (kind of hippyish i know). Even accross the same strain you may find one plant shows different speed/traits/needs

My current plants are well over 10 weeks old and only one is approaching harvest time. (even tho supposed to be 60 days)

Good luck
Thanks for the advice. I just have no experience so I think I'm just overanalyzing. One of my seedlings died, but it was the last to germinate and couldn't shed its seed husk. R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
i plant em close to the surface check em once a day just push the soil aside and check when the tap root digs in leave the dirt off then itll stand up with the shell and just kinda help it along if you gotta use a steady hand and you wont damage it ive only lost a few in germ and it was from the paper towel method lost about 100 bucks in beans towel dried up just started dropin them in soil takes a bit but its what nature intended so it works REALLY well

technical dan

Active Member
Autos have the same stages and points of their life cycle those points are just triggered by age rather than light cycles. Autos and photos have different growth patterns and overall structure but they are the same type of plant and have the same life cycle steps and stages. So it will not be identical to the video (I've seen it) but very similar and easy to see.

no the days will not match up after seedling stage so after 2 to 3 weeks but the same things happen.


Active Member
i plant em close to the surface check em once a day just push the soil aside and check when the tap root digs in leave the dirt off then itll stand up with the shell and just kinda help it along if you gotta use a steady hand and you wont damage it ive only lost a few in germ and it was from the paper towel method lost about 100 bucks in beans towel dried up just started dropin them in soil takes a bit but its what nature intended so it works REALLY well
I use this method as well started in paper towel planted in soil with tap root only half a cm instead of the reg 1 cm. Then move the soil lightly within a day if not at surface help them along by shaking the seed shell off once first leaves come in as well. Check out my link on the auto AKR's and also Afghan Kush Fem (not auto) I just started.


Well-Known Member
I have 9 Spyders! 5 went outside and 4 stayed inside. All planted on the same day and the ones inside get 18/6 and outside roughly 12/12. Inside temps average 75 and outide 70 with some cooler nights around 50. The inside plants are much further along but not as large in total plant size. Anyways....just have to learn your plant.