autoflower magnesium deficiency?


I am currently growing 1 plant in a 5 gallon bucket, in soil. It's an autoflower and has been in flower for around a week. Recently the lower leaves have started turning brown around the edges, and they get crunchy. From the research that I have done, I gather that it is probably a cal/mag deficiency, but I just wanted a second opinion.

Grow Specs:

Kessil H150 magenta LED 24 hrs
5 gallon bucket
black gold soil = no nutrients added
botanicare power flower
botanicare pure blend pro grow
botanicare liquid karma
botanicare sweet
PH 5.8-6.0

I just added some cal/mag yesterday to see if the problem subsides. I just want to make sure I am taking the proper steps, and get a second oinion as to what the problem might be. I was told that autoflowers really like cal/mag. does anyone else have any experience with this?


Active Member
could be a mixture of both nitrogen and mag/cal. if you havent already picked up a cal/mag i would just to add to your regime. as well as you could add a little veg nutes for the added nitrogen and see if that doesnt help.


Active Member
Cal mag would be more like rust spots instead of staring on the exterior of the leafs. But it could be a combo


Well-Known Member
MG will leave the veins green. I can see pictures that show leaves with the light green going over the veins also.

And your PH is for hydro not soil. Soil you want to be I think 6.5-6.8. Barely anything is getting absorb at that PH


how is it coming m8
im looking to plant some auto too
does that h150 provide well for that 5gallon bucket