New Member
Swim is planning on having an outdoor grow this coming season. A private spot that has good sunlight and water nearby has already been found and swim is ready to purchase either seeds or clones. The question is, should swim buy an autoflowering strain or not? Normally, swim would not consider an autoflower as the yield is highly affected. However, swim must move away from the site around August 25th. Due to the climate swim lives in, planting outside would have to wait until late april to mid/ late may. Attending to the site would still be possible, it would just be an extra 2 hour drive on top of another 2 hour hike. If swim were to plant autoflower, could the flowers be harvested before moving away? And would the yield difference be significant enough to just bear through the longer drive during the last stages of growth? Also feel free to provide tips or tricks for the grow. Thanks!