Autoflower outdoor


Active Member
Hello, I have an autoflower chemdog growing outdoors, day 46.
Its a 60-65 day strain, and its only around 30cm tall at the moment.

I was wondering how much it would swell up and roughly how much I could expect to yield. I would be happy with anything over 14g, however it seems to have stopped vertical growth and today I could visibly see the calyxes swelling up, they are much more noticeable now. Also beginning to see some trichromes on the sugar leaves.
A 1/3rd of the pistils are now red, however I'm seeing some more new ones growing along the sides.

Pics are really bad will try take some more later but any thoughts about rough estimate of yield? And should I begin flushing now or wait a little, the buds haven't formed that much yet as far as I can tell, however the pistils are turning red and its beginning to smell a bit strong (really close, after a ft or so cant smell anything), a lot like how sour diesel tastes.

You can sorta see the new pistils in the closeup pic.



Well-Known Member
Seems like you have a long way to go... It's done when it's done. 80 days from seed may/would seem more realistic. Is it getting direct sunlight? Are you giving it nutes? In a larger pot that thing would be 3 ft tall and bushy and yield 4 ounces..

For now, let it be.. Do not flush. No need to flush at all if you are using decent nutrients. Just let it grow.


Active Member
Yeah giving 3/4 strength high p,k nutes and 1/2 strength high n,p nutes atm, will switch completely to bloom nutes (high P, low N) in a week or two maybe?

So it will keep growing bigger? it gets direct sunlight from dawn to sunset, give or take a few hours. Roughly 12-13 hours per day.
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Active Member
This one was small so I could carry it easier however I will get some bigger ones for my future ones, however is it possible to get 14g of this considering it has around 13-15 days left?

Also can anyone give me rough dimensions of 3gal pot? around here all pots come with no holding capacity only dimensions.


Well-Known Member
This one was small so I could carry it easier however I will get some bigger ones for my future ones, however is it possible to get 14g of this considering it has around 13-15 days left?

Also can anyone give me rough dimensions of 3gal pot? around here all pots come with no holding capacity only dimensions.
Stop thinking they have 13-15 days left. Just keep her going until she is fully ripe. The finish times are 99% of the time wrong. As far as your yield.. that is almost impossible to guess from pictures. By the way.. next season go for regular seeds; especially if you are a new grower. Autos are a pain to get just right for newbies. Keep growing and learning!!
