Autoflower ppm chart !!!!! Fox farm please!!!!


Well-Known Member
How you guy doing I'm kinda new to this and I'm using a 4x8 closet wit 2 big devil #2 in 5 gal. a super automatic in a 4 gal and an auto pounder in a 7 gal... I'm using for farm kit big bloom,grow big,tiger bloom,beastie bloom,cha Ching, and cal mag.... I need some one to plz hell me what are the ppms suppose to be for week when to week 11 please ineed of a chart sorry and beasti bloom


New Member
Total ppm in soil/medium

Seedling: 500-600ppm
Vegetative: 800-1000pmm
Flowering: 1000-1500
Flushing: 0-500ppm

For hydroponic the ideal TDS a between 500-1000ppm, EC .75-1.5


Well-Known Member
Who cares what the ppm is. I've been growing for a little over two years with Fox Farms soil and nutes and never knew what my ppm was. However I did know the bud my plants produced has all been kick ass. The only thing checked was my PH when I watered and fed them. 6.8-7.0 in soil.

ps I also grew autoflowers a couple of times with the same result.I say screw the ppm


Well-Known Member
Some one please help got autos growing quick need ppm andvice for farm soil !!! And fox farm nutes help !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Take the recommended dosage to with a 1/3 or maybe even 1/4 of that dose per gallon. So if they say 1 tsp per gallon, go with 1/4 tsp per gallon. Less is more, and autoflowers are generally sensitive to nutes. IMHO, ppm measurements just add to the confusing unless your growing hydro.


Well-Known Member
I've been running my Autoberry @ 1250ppm ph 5.8 in hydro.
These are Day 30 of Flowering, She got REALLY BIG.I trimmed the lower suckers and random fans
IMAG1051.jpg IMAG1052.jpg IMAG1049.jpg IMAG1050.jpg