Autoflower problems


Active Member
Hi I have a problem with my seedlings any advice is appreciated
I started a grow of Auto Big Bangs 2 weeks ago and they are all looking very sick the leaves are drooping down or shriveling up and some are changing to a light green and yellowish color. I started my grow under a 450w led that I just bought there is 2 switches on the light 1 says growth and the other says bloom. So I started under growth led at 18/6. I had all the ventilation in good circulation. My temps stayed between 70-80 degrees. My ph levels are at 7 and I am not feeding seedlings. I have being watering properly not over or under watering.I'm growing in miracle Gro Seed and Cutting compost
They all sprouted and were looking good. After 2-4 days leaves started drooping down and they stopped growing so I assumed it was the light and quickly changed them to the old florescent lights I used for other grows. Now a week on and they seem to be just getting worse some looking all droopy with light green leaves others looking like I fried them and are gone yellowy color they have not growing at all since the first few days.I done some research and to me they look like its a nute problem but I have not use nutrients at all. I think its the compost Im using it says feeds seedlings up to 6 weeks would this be the problem if so how do I sort it out ?
Also Ive gone and ordered the same seeds again to restart my grow as I dont think these are going to pull through and I need to figure out this problem before I restart as I dont want this happening again. Any help would be great
Thank you



dont put your seedlings in soil with fertilizer, let them grow in a plug or a small container that doesnt have much nutrients in it.
when you have four leaves after the first lobleaves you cabn put it in the soil with the fertilizer


Active Member
yeah, does not look like it allows for good o2 either. like someone said, plugs (which can be watered from the bottom) or I like Netty pots, which also allow watering from the saucer.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies.
Where do I get plugs or netty pots. What compost should I start the new seeds in also should I be using the led light or the florescent lights?