Autoflower question!!!!!!!!!

I have an auto indica dominant purple punch , it is 21 days old it is 15 cm and have 7 set of leaves, is this normal to be so short with so many set of leaves? May I do something wrong? I was thinking that she would be a little strechier. Any opinions guys?


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Indicas are the short ones! Probably normal. What does she look like?
I have not pictures rn, but she is very healthy, i dont know if I did good to lst her at day 15 as I saw so many set of leaves, she is growing in the sun mix with ,50 watt 5000 lumens led at 20-25 cm distance, that could be the problem but I just thought that 50 watt are not so much to put them farther away


Well-Known Member
Looks overwatered to me but I'm on my first grow. So definitely take that with a grain of salt. I watched a video today about curling leaves on YouTube by Mary Jay's Garden, I think. Check that one out.