Autoflower Questions

Hi guys! I'm completely inexperienced at growing so I have a question about autoflowers. I was browsing seeds online and noticed a comment, frequently attached to autoflower descriptions, "Will flower under any lighting between 12/12 and 24/0". So on to my question; Can an autoflowering strain flower at all with lighting below 12 hours a day?

(This is not a newb thread because I'm going to follow this up with theory for further discussion.)


Active Member
yes it will but its not should give any plant 24 hours of light.If theres no light it wont grow simple as that.and an autoflower will flower no matter your light cycle so give it all the light you can!flowering a regular plant requires the 12-12 drop but an auto dosnt.alot will even advise a 10-14 cycle to flower plants.