Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Anyone like to hazard a guess on how long I've got to harvest??As stated above TRICHOMES! Calendars, and hairs are not harvest indicators. You can get a 60X pocket scope for around $10/12. OR.....go with one of the two items shown below, (I have BOTH!) Good luck & good grow.......BB


Anyone like to hazard a guess on how long I've got to harvest??As stated above TRICHOMES! Calendars, and hairs are not harvest indicators. You can get a 60X pocket scope for around $10/12. OR.....go with one of the two items shown below, (I have BOTH!) Good luck & good grow.......BB
Cheers for the advise! I just ordered a 60x-100x pocket scope from ebay for £8.90. Most of the hairs on one plant are now orange, just a few white ones at the bottom. Do you think It'll be ok untill my scope comes back and I can check it??


Well-Known Member
hello everyone, well i am new to the Autoflower strain and wanted to see if anyone here could give me some advise and tell me how i am doing so far. i have two diesel ryders growing outside in 2 gallon pots for each. they are 19 day from went they broke the surface. so.... how am i doing so far and can anyone please tell me why i am getting these holes in my leaves.:lol:



Active Member
I wouldnt stress the holes till they get worse then that. Looks look leafminor in atleast on pic. That wouldnt cause the holes tho. Look good to me

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Kid, in pic 4, the semi-circular trail looks like a catapiller kind chewed his way for a while and now off somewhere else having brunch.
BUT more scarey are those little pin-prick holes up to the left. To me, it looks like the "DREADED SPIDERMITE". You should be looking underneath the leaves VERY carefully. If you spot anything suspicious, get a 60X scope on it. If you see anything, let us know.
Good luck & good grow.......BB

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys, I have a question: how long from germination to harvest for, Nirvana's Jock Horror, Bubblelicious & Northern Lights, outdoors, "Sunny CA"? I have some early girls in my current grow and was hoping to get an extra late crop. (It's ALL about limited space on the patio).
Hopefully, come this November, NO MORE EFFEN LIMITS!!!!!!! LOL, I start to shake when I think about it. Read a poll last night that said 56% of registered voters said they would vote YES! Anyway, for now I must do the best I can, so if anyone has any info for me, it'll be most appreciated. Good luck & good grow.......BB


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
iSmoke4Fun: So far all the short riders I have grown have been 100% Auto.
I havent jumped into the new strains yet, lol, made my order a week too soon.


Well-Known Member
I so want some of those bubblelicious autoflowers lol. Cant help with your question dude, but looking forward to hearing how they grow and smoke :-)


Well-Known Member
Hey Kid, in pic 4, the semi-circular trail looks like a catapiller kind chewed his way for a while and now off somewhere else having brunch.
BUT more scarey are those little pin-prick holes up to the left. To me, it looks like the "DREADED SPIDERMITE". You should be looking underneath the leaves VERY carefully. If you spot anything suspicious, get a 60X scope on it. If you see anything, let us know.
Good luck & good grow.......BB
thanks Boss, i am going to get some "Dont Bug Me" from the store tomorrow ans spray my girls just to be safe, but what could i do for the caterpillars? they are everywhere right now.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
OK, I'm on my own for the Nirvana's, what the hell, I'll "pioneer" the damn things, LOL.( and report back of course).
My question now is about Dinafem's "Roadrunner". I have one going since 3/30, and it's about 5" tall and flowering! The projected production looks like "squat"! I'm thinking that theres NOT enough sun time to get good growth in MY setup. If anyone is familar with this strain, please let me know whats up here, & Good luck & good grow.......BBbongsmilie


Active Member
Hey all, I just subscribed to this thread, and even though this is my first post here, it's already been worth it. I have never grown autos before, so I'm a little lost. My man and I are "DoinIt2Gether" cuz I have the knowledge and he's got the caregiver's card:lol:. Only, I don't have any knowledge on this one.
Q: I ordered some beans for a friend and he gave me a few of the freebies that came with the order. I picked the ones I wanted; I got the ones with the little black striations instead of the small pale ones...Do you think that was a good choice?
Q2: Do you germ autos the same way as other plants, and is there any way they got too hot sitting on top of my water heater?
Q3: The beans I got were Short Stuff's Auto Assassin. I have read almost all of the 290 pages, and not once have I seen that strain mentioned. I think it's a fairly new one from Jim at Can someone, anyone, tell me anything about this strain? I will be germing them as soon as I get a response to this post and want to thank ya'll in advance for the help. Happy smokingbongsmilie