Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
new strain (autoJack) from dready bob seeds--_--JackHerrer cross
new ones coming Super Silvermatic _The Automatic_from humbolt seeds

some cool autos coming


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd keep the thread active and post a pic of my some of my auto Easy Ryders that I'm currently nurturing as part of my first grow. I also have one other ER and an auto Onyx that I'm growing separately that are also doing well, although those two were exposed to high temps this weekend and suffered a little for it, especially the Onyx.

The 4 ERs in this box are all 20 days from seed except for the one in the upper right corner which is 25 days, and all have been flowering for a few days to a week. They've all done quite well, although the lower two started off a little slow, and the one in the upper left has gone crazy the last week and is growing about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch a day. In fact a couple days ago it easily surpassed the plant that's 5 days older, and it towers over the two lower plants that are the same age. Today it measures 7" in height at just 20 days, my oldest is 5.5", and the other two are 4".

I'll say one thing for anybody planning to grow these things indoors... you better have some odor control in place cuz these things STINK (in a good way of course)! At about 14 days they were smelling pretty strong, but by the time they showed sex around day 18 the smell was overwhelming. It's a good smell if you like the smell of bud, but even with just 5 plants in a room next to mine barely starting to flower, I had to do something about the odor or it would be too much even for me. It's kind a sweet skunky smell, which started off sweet and it's been getting skunkier as they started to flower.

I bought a couple of those Fresh2ti bulbs and they cut the smell down by about 75% I'd say, and I highly recommend them as an inexpensive solution which also has the added benefit of extra lumens for your plants or light for your room, but they won't completely do the trick. Might work even better if I was using one of the bulbs in the room that I'm in instead of using them both in the grow box itself, but I don't have any lamps in my room at the moment that use a medium base bulb. Think I'm going to have to change that though lol.

Without further adieu here's the most recent pic. I have detailed pics of every plant almost every day in a journal thread that I started, although I need to update it with pics from the last 3-4 days.

Sarah, Jennifer, Scarlett, Tiffany 010 - 9-13-10.jpg

I updated my journal thread HERE, so it has a complete pictorial record of my grow up until now.


i'v got 5 ak47 autos and 5 short rider autos after 4weeks and no signs of showing sex ive just put them on 12/12 to start of the flowering but i dont no if i should just do this to stat of there flowering or should i switch back after i see pre flowers do you reacon it will start off the autoflowering and when i switch back to 18/6 they will still flower or go back to veggin or should i keep it at 12/12 for the rest of the grow???????


Well-Known Member
Here is my first grow ever. Lowryder 2 at 17 days.

What you think?
Looks perfect so far. That pot looks like it might be on the smallish side though if you plan on using it for the whole grow. Be sure to use at least a 2 gallon, and a lot of people prefer 3 gallon for most of the smaller Autos. It'll grow to maturity in something smaller, but it'll probably affect the yield.


Well-Known Member
i'v got 5 ak47 autos and 5 short rider autos after 4weeks and no signs of showing sex ive just put them on 12/12 to start of the flowering but i dont no if i should just do this to stat of there flowering or should i switch back after i see pre flowers do you reacon it will start off the autoflowering and when i switch back to 18/6 they will still flower or go back to veggin or should i keep it at 12/12 for the rest of the grow???????
Where did you get the seeds? Nirvana? Should've shown sex by 3-4 weeks, but you might want to put them back to their normal schedule asap for perhaps another week. If you still don't see sex by then I'd definitely switch to 12/12. Tough call after that, because they might not be stable or true Autos, so I'm not sure what would happen if you went back to a 20/4 or 18/6 schedule after sex'ing. IF you wind up having to go to 12/12 to get them to show sex, the safest bet would probably be to keep them 12/12 until harvest, but it might affect the yield. Been seeing a lot of similar complaints from people that bought their auto seeds from Nirvana, that's why I ask where you go them.


Well-Known Member
i'v got 5 ak47 autos and 5 short rider autos after 4weeks and no signs of showing sex ive just put them on 12/12 to start of the flowering but i dont no if i should just do this to stat of there flowering or should i switch back after i see pre flowers do you reacon it will start off the autoflowering and when i switch back to 18/6 they will still flower or go back to veggin or should i keep it at 12/12 for the rest of the grow???????
How long have they been on 12/12? I don't know much about auto AK47 but short riders are notorious for not autoflowering. Both sets of autos I've grown showed sex after 2 1/2 weeks and went into full flower shortly after. If you've already changed the light cycle to 12/12 I dunno if you should change it back. It was probably a good idea with the short riders after a month, but I knowing much about auto AK47 I might have given it a few more days or a week if it was me. Not 100% on this, maybe someone else can confirm, but after a few weeks once they settle into flowering you might be able to bump the light up to 13/11 or even 14/10 over a week or two without it going back into veg.


Active Member
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if I fertilize an AF Female with pollen from a regular sugarloaf male, will I end up with AF seeds? Do I need to use pollen from a male AF plant for AF seeds? Thx.