Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

looking good bro how far are they? does your sprout look sick no should be fine you planted tip up didnt you.
Yeah its definitely yellow. Just keep an eye on it and dont let it dry out. I have had them come up this way before, and as long as you keep it from drying out real bad, it will be just fine. Also dont let it stay wet all the time either, but dont wait till the surface of the soil is cracking before watering, it will let air in and kill the fragile taproot.

I started germinating some Jock Horror Autos on 09-24-10 and the next morning while watering my Blue Widows I noticed they had already popped there heads out of the soil..Ill add pictures here as they mature. Right now they are under a 6 lamp T5. How long should I keep them under it before moving to the big girls room with the 600w lights?

nice dude goodluck man
is those bluewidows autos?
watch out with the jockhorrors bro they got discontiued cause most
dont auto flower keep a good eye on em bro
How long should I keep them under it before moving to the big girls room with the 600w lights?

Man I would leave them in those cups for about 2 weeks max, then put them in their final containers and slap em under that 600w HPS. And as SoA already stated, be prepared to have to switch to 12/12 if needed. I havent heard of Jock Horrors in particular having problems, but I know a lot of the new autos have, especially from Nirvana. Just dont keep the lights on 20/4 for 3 months like some idiots have. If they dont show sex in 1 month, accept the fact that they are not auto and flip the lights imho.

I will send some positive vibes your way and hope that all yours auto without issue. And if so, by about day 20 at the most (more like 14-16 for males) they will show. Best of luck, cant wait to see em finish!!

Is there a grow guide just for Auto-flowering...?

My Russian rocket fuel sprouted last night in a vermiculite and powered propagator...(Best method ever..!!)
Tonight I tranfered the little seedling to its larger pot filled with 30% perlite & 70% bagged garden centre compost, I wet the mix with rain water and a mild dose of sea weed extract.

He/She is now sitting on a heat pad bathing under a 23w CFL...

I have some coconut coir somewhere... Should I use this in the next mix instead of so much perlite...??
hey guys heres my Cobra and Stoned
my soil is wormcastings/coirbrick thats all under five 23watt energysavers 19/5 + six hours of sun a day
I'm getting Attitudes free auto August promotion, can't wait to join this thread!! I probably won't be able to start them for another month or so...I don't have any space right now.

Turns out everyone Ive talked to with the kannibia La Blanca is not an auto, it was sold as an auto with that promo. Just a heads up.
Heres my Rocket Fuel.. I transplanted too late so not a super yield (maybe 20 grams) But the smoke is AWESOME!!


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I started germinating some Jock Horror Autos on 10-24-10 and the next morning while watering my Blue Widows I noticed they had already popped there heads out of the soil..Ill add pictures here as they mature. Right now they are under a 6 lamp T5. How long should I keep them under it before moving to the big girls room with the 600w lights?

You must have a time machine, that's still 3 weeks into the future ;).
Man I would leave them in those cups for about 2 weeks max, then put them in their final containers and slap em under that 600w HPS. And as SoA already stated, be prepared to have to switch to 12/12 if needed. I havent heard of Jock Horrors in particular having problems, but I know a lot of the new autos have, especially from Nirvana. Just dont keep the lights on 20/4 for 3 months like some idiots have. If they dont show sex in 1 month, accept the fact that they are not auto and flip the lights imho.


Actually I haven't seen or heard of any autos except Nirvana's not autoflowering, not personally. Don't want to scare anybody off autos, I'd just stay completely away from Nirvana's until such time as they've proven that their autos are stable. As far as I know they're still not even selling autos from their site right now, but I haven't checked recently.

@Hellbillie - Good luck with those Jock Horrors, hope they autoflower for you. Like Kolorblind says, a month should be plenty of time for them to show sex and start to flower. If you do find that you have to switch them to 12/12, keep them at 12/12 from that point on, don't flower and then try to switch back to 18/6 or 20/4. That's been a common question for people that have found themselves in that boat.
Heres my Rocket Fuel.. I transplanted too late so not a super yield (maybe 20 grams) But the smoke is AWESOME!!

20 grams dry is a pretty darn good yield for an auto. I rarely see anybody saying they got more than a half oz from an auto (often less), despite the claims on the seedbank sites for many of the strains. Let us know what the actual yield is when it's dried out please. Also, how tall and how bushy did that thing get. Might seriously consider growing that strain if it doesn't get too big.
She still needs to dry/cure a bit so maybe 15 after all is said and done..

she was a very small plant maybe 10-12 inches

My double diesel ryder however was totally different. She grew about 20 inches tall and yielded 45 grams dry and cured... Im very pleased!

theres a bunch more pics back through this thread

I should add that out of 5 seeds, I only had one germinate succesfully. 3 seeds just didnt do anything, and i lost one :(


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true that dude i heard that sagamather seeds germ 19% of the time
sweet buds guys where are new grows am i only one Cobra+Stoned

She still needs to dry/cure a bit so maybe 15 after all is said and done..

she was a very small plant maybe 10-12 inches

That sounds more realistic. Not that 20 isn't possible, but it's just really rare for one of the smaller autos. Those pics of your chopped bud look really nice though, 15 grams looks entirely possible. I checked on Attitude's site after looking at your post, because I bought a new batch of various auto seeds this weekend and I wondered why that wasn't one of the ones I bought since it met all my criteria. Turns out they're out of stock on singles otherwise I definitely would have bought one. Will definitely get at least one of them next time I buy seeds.

I should add that out of 5 seeds, I only had one germinate succesfully. 3 seeds just didnt do anything, and i lost one :sad:

Ouch. Boy something's not right if 3 seeds didn't germinate properly. Haven't really heard of that happening with good seed bank seeds unless whoever's germinating them did something wrong. Not too familiar with Sagarmatha's seeds though. Either way that hurts, especially if they were all fem seeds.