Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


I have been growing my AF seeds for 2 weeks and so far so good. I want to produce feminized seeds from one of the females (cloning obviously not an option)... to avoid having to buy more seeds....anyone done this yet? SUGGESTIONS???????????


Active Member
no i can see sacs forming but no pistons.. what do you think? just a male or will pistons come in later? sence it is feminized it will be a hermi... and this is the only one i have only doing one at a time. i kno wtf i did tho i strested it i thought the little 2x2 room was to hot so left the door cracked often.. but can anykind of stress do it like heat or over watering?
for the most part its light that hits the plant during the dark cycle that will cause hermi plants as for heat and overwatering im not sure on those although jorge cervantes says high heat do cause males which im starting to believe since im getting males and my temps are around 80-86 so there might be truth to that but yours were fem seeds so idk


I have been reading up on this for a week or so now, but wanted to get some advice from someone who has actually produced AF feminized seeds... ANYONE?


Active Member
atx where are you getin this info would like to read/see it.
the hermi info i got it form reading threads on this site and i have the 3 dvd collection from jorge cervantes for indoor growing thats where i get most of my info from just a lil research this forum has just about all the info your going to need and as for jorge cervantes dvd i pirated them lol fuck buying that crap and alot theres alot of people that think hes a fake and all his info is just crap


Active Member
nice one mate just started my thread its autoflowering harvests lookin for piks b4 and piks after choping and dry waits


Active Member
hey fellas i seem to have a problem with my baby she doesnt look so hot anymore im thinking i could be related to a ph problem the parts of the leaves that are pale green are dried up and crusty the flake off when you touch them also part of the reason could be that i had my light to low to her and i raised it up yesterday and there was a improvement the leaves where curling up and stuff moved the light and the leaves went back to normal but now i have this problem any ideas guys?



Active Member
ATX damn bro that looks nice i mean not the leaves fallin off but maybe you moving ur light up should help out my started curling and asked some peepes on here they said my lights were to close. but say lets see a pic of the hole plant good luck looks nice.


Active Member
ATX damn bro that looks nice i mean not the leaves fallin off but maybe you moving ur light up should help out my started curling and asked some peepes on here they said my lights were to close. but say lets see a pic of the hole plant good luck looks nice.
thanks the problem isnt life threateing or anything but thats right now i wanted to catch it before it gets worse which im sure it wont i raised my light up more and the leaves straightened up the same day i just gotta keep a eye on her if that shit keeps spreading then i have a problem ill post pics in a lil bit of the whole plant the buds have gotten fatter i cant even see the stalk in the middle anymore but the yellowing and faded parts isnt over the entire plant only on the leaves that were effected when the light was to low