Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
hey all you dirt bags i got a ? for you... Im using foxfarm oceanic forest soil, fox farm grow big/ big bloom / tiger bloom/ and cha ching.... I have 3 of them under a 400MH for the first few weeks and switched to 400HPS recently... is there anything i can do to make this a better grow.. ive heard something about molases but have no experience with it...

whats the benifits of molasses and should i do something differently
Remember to go easy with the nutes for the autoflowers. Particularly if you're growing in FFOF. Looks like you might be overdoing the nutes a bit. It looks like some nute burn in pic # 2 perhaps?

Yours will be fine, but no point in wasting valuable nutes on a plant that doesn't need it. As for molasses, just add 1 tablespoon per gallon when you feed. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes, I understand all that... I'm "taking one for the team" here and experimenting. I'll keep posting my progress, as there are a lot of people interested.
We'll see what happens.

fair play mate, will be interesting 4 sure


Active Member
heres my current lot of autos

the free roadrunners doing the best,lame :(

well thats an old pic actually they looks better now,ill get a new one up shortly


Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
PEACE S.J You're girl is beautiful, but I have a question about the thermometer/hygrometer that is just peeking from the top of the pic. Do you have problems with the temp and humidity with this. It looks to be the same one I have and I have had a problem with the humidity (I think). I tested it outside last night while it was raining and it read 33-35% humidity and no higher, YET IT WAS OUTSIDE AT THE TIME(the sensor that is):cuss:. Also with the sensor exposed like so do you have a problem with the reading of the temp as well. It seems that the gauges are off to me.

Have you had similar or the same experience? I know that it isn't right because it is wet to death outside right now and it is still reading 35% but I have the windows open and an inductor fan drawing the air from outside into the room. I have cups of water all around them and I have a Graco baby humidifier going as well. Yet with all of this, the gauge still reads under 40%( it does raise to 45% when I am lucky but it has the temp up when that happens as well.:cuss:

I've done all that I can and it still is the same. I know that there is nothing more to do as far as the humid. is concerned, (because I have all this water around them and it is evaporating) but I wanted to know if you have had this same problem with the gauge as well?

Thanks for the anticipated response and pluss rep for it and the great job you have done with your girl( I trust my efforts will produce the same result)!!!

Thanks very much! I am growing 7 of the ladies in that tent and I have not had any problems with my thermometer gauge or humidity gauge. I got it from home depot for 9 bucks and works great still has the same batteries it came with lol! Thanks for the +Rep and I am sure your girls will turn out great also!! Thanks again! Ill keep updated every couple of days.


Well-Known Member
whats the benifits of molasses and should i do something differently
molasses gives the plant micro nutrients.
such as copper, iron, calcium, manganese, vitimin B6, potassium, selenium & magnesium. it’s a great source of carbohydrates to stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms.
make sure you get blackstrap molasses.
It can be given right up to harvest. I used it once a week adding around 5ml / litre of water.
Mix it with some hot water first to dilute it.


Active Member
hello people just harvested 3 AK47 just ova a week ago its the best smoke iv ever had and i got 308g DRY weight not bad at all GOOD shit lol


Active Member
Think these are lookin ok, what does everyone think? these first four are at about day 15-16 and the last is about day 13. He's a little bruised, but expecting a full recovery like the others.
It looks to me like it's gonna go for double colas on all of these, but I'd like to know what someone more knowledgeable thinks.


Well-Known Member
Think these are lookin ok, what does everyone think? these first four are at about day 15-16 and the last is about day 13. He's a little bruised, but expecting a full recovery like the others.
It looks to me like it's gonna go for double colas on all of these, but I'd like to know what someone more knowledgeable thinks.
i8k bro, my diesel ryder ha a main cola which was the fattest one of course and then maybe 4 or 5 other side banches that got as tall as the cola and packjed on some nice buds. u may prove me wrong, but i think u kinda messed urself up by topping an autoflowering plant. any stress u give them can stunt their growth which takes weight off ur plant every time u stress them. goio luck and i dont mean to rain on your paade, actually if u get a yield it was worthwhile but higher yields are nicer too.
So I'm not sure if this is a problem or not. But my Easy Ryder plant is about 2 weeks old now and she only has 4 small leaves and the 2 little leaves from the seed. Those 2 have turned completely yellow. Looking at other pictures of plants it seems like mine is REALLY far behind. I'm using 4 100 Watt equivalent CFL's and I haven't started any nutes yet. Do you guys think I just have a retarded plant or is it not getting enough light? Any help would be awesome. It's suppose to be an autoflower and super fast but so far it's kinda letting me down.


Well-Known Member
Show us some pic so we can see it...

depending on what type of soil you are using it may be possible that you need to use nutes, also have you been checking your pH? pH can retard a plant and stunt its growth if your not keeping it balanced... I use fox far oceanic forest soil which has 3 weeks worth of nutes in it but if you used some cheap reg dirt from walmart then you probably want to add some Nutes... are you over watering it? chances are that you can drown the poor guys roots if you over water.... neeed to know more stuff beofre we can diagnose your plant with anything? if worst comes to best then you can smoke your dieing plant to help you live longer peace

these pic are a few weeks old but ill get sum new ones up soon... i got 3 left outa the 6 and ill possibly buying a grow tent with 2 chambers.. anybody ever use a tent?



Well-Known Member
thats really funny SMOKE.. i thought that was a real video on legalization for a small budget crew lol




Active Member
A couple pics of the topped plants... i think they're lookin mighty fine. More pics in journal...