Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
OK, and two more noob questions for you wise sages ... LOL:

1) I'm slowly but surely working my way thru this thread and KolorBlind said that you should run the youngsters under 6500s for the 1st 2 weeks but then move them to 2500. I typically have them under 6500s until I see buds starting, then move them cuz I have two PC Grow boxes ... one w/6500s in it and the other with 2500s. Should I not be doing that?

2) My LR2 girl is about ready to harvest. The top half of the plant has brown pistils ... most trichs are clear, but some milky and a few amber. The bottom half of the plant is a different story ... she's still sprouting new buds with pretty white pistils. Do I let her keep growing or what's the best way to tell when it's time to harvest her? Would rather have the energetic high of the LR than a narcoticy couch lock. :)

3) What's a Diesel Ryder? Is that a specific strain or is that one you custom bred, Kolor? If one can buy the seeds, what kind of high does it give? I like to have a 50:50 sativa to indica (or 60:50) for evening when I have to cook, etc. And then I like an 80% (or thereabouts) indica for sleep.

Here's a link to where you can get diesel ryder seeds:


Active Member
Guys i need a lil help. I started to notice the tips of my calyx are turning purple at the tips then a lil yellow and green... Is this normal? I gave yall some close ups on them if yall cant make it out let me kno ill try for better pics i also posted a pic of my room where the light was hangin is where most of the yellow appeared i thought i was burnin them but thought cfls could be really close to the plant... i moved it over as seen in pic. It has been cold at night could this be the problem?

All help is appreciated +rep :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Oh cool ... thanks! What does the high feel like? Is it more energized or more couch-locky?

Heya Mel

The high from the 4oz I ended up yielding was definitely not a couch-lock high. I assume this is mainly due to the slightly lower THC levels as opposed to a non AF strain, considering I let some of it go 1 week longer than normal, but it was very uplifting. The smell of this strain is the only downside as far as I was concerned.
If smell is not an issue then it could actually be a good thing because it is VEEEERY stinky! But the best thing about a super stinky strain by far is the taste. As I stated before, after you smoke some Diesel Ryder, you will ALWAYS know when you smoke it again. I dont think it would be possible to mistake it for anything else as distinct and pungent as the odor and flavor is (except maybe one of its Diesel siblings or parent strains like NYCD or Sour Diesel). Hell you wouldnt even need to label it if you had multiple strains lying around haha!

I highly suggest it to someone with your particular needs as it is uplifting and induces the munchies quite nicely :)

Best of luck to you


Well-Known Member
looks ready liss did u not flush her though? i always find 10 weeks i sgd for my autos as opposed to advertised 9 but u gone nearly 12 so id say she gd to go, enjoy :)


No, I didn't flush her. Never used any nutes on her besides what was in my potting mix, and that was organic. Actually knew nothing about flushing till yesterday when I read it mentioned here. Is there a need for flushing when no chemicals have been used? This is the first pot plant I've ever grown. :)

And she was really sweetly fragrant right before the new year ... now she doesn't smell nearly as strong. Hope I didn't let her go so long she won't be that good any more ...



Before you even finish reading this post, go move your light up!! About 10-12 inches from the seedlings. Even with cool tubes I have seen people fry their seedlings at anything under 8" from the plants. I think its more the light penetration than the heat. I always keep my 150w 10" from my seedlings till they have 2 true sets of leaves, then I get them as close as possible.

Just my 2 cents :)
Now, that doesn't apply to CFLs, does it? I have my seedlings about 2" from the CFLs ... saw someone post on here ... might've been KB ... that with CFLs they should be no more than 3" away from the light ... is that right?



Well-Known Member
depends on the size of cfls, if they are the smaller 42w or 27w then its fine real close but the bigger 125w and 250w need to be 100mm/4" at least :) i wouldnt say u wud have spoiled em liss i reckon itll be sweet as fck :) and if u didnt add owt they shud be all gd, no worries bout flush. did u say trichs were milky, if so chop her down and dry her out.... perfect enjoy


Almost all trichs are milky ... some still clear, but hell, the girl is still growing new buds ... still have white pistils w/small buds on the lower leaves, so there are still some clear trichs, but almost all milky. A few amber.

The CFLs in question are actually the Aerogarden bulbs ... I set the babies on my AG to sprout for the first couple of weeks, then they go in my Veg PC Grow Case. That way I can rotate 'crops,' by having the AG for sprouts, veg case, then flower case. The veg case has the 6500 CFLs and the flower case has the 2500s. But I have no idea about the AG. I moved them up close yesterday and they look happy today ... in fact, one actually shed the seed shell overnight ... yaaay! I'm so excited cuz, w/my first attempt, I lost 2 of the 3 LR2 seeds I had. Though my brother germinates the hell out of those seeds in his Aerogarden, with the soil plugs, mine didn't really care for that but they do like dirt. This time, I just soaked them for 1 hour then put them in dirt ... yup, did the trick alright! ;p

My veg and flower CFLs are 26 and 30 watts, respectively.



Well, I just harvested my LR2 girl ... she looks like a freshly sheared poodle! :) She is now hanging in my closet w/a fan on her, gently swaying in the breeze. :) How long to let her dry? About a week?



Well-Known Member
for autos when is best time to transplant i know they dont like to be transplanted plants all between 2 two and three weeks old


Well-Known Member
Well, I just harvested my LR2 girl ... she looks like a freshly sheared poodle! :) She is now hanging in my closet w/a fan on her, gently swaying in the breeze. :) How long to let her dry? About a week?

Sup melissa a week should be ample,, they are dried correctly when the stalk snaps rather than bends:leaf::leaf:,, just a matter of will power, its tough when yr fruits are all but a smoke away from you but the taste is much richer when fully dried .Are you going to be curing??


Well-Known Member
dont put the fan directly on her liss or she will dry real fast,,,, jus put the fan so its blowing through the dr into the room to enable ir circulation:) shud take bout 4 to 5 days then keep a bit for smoke and whack th erest in a jar to cure up .... congrats x


Actually, don't think I'm gonna cure. I'm not a smoker ... I'm a vaper ... from what I've heard, drying is all that's required. One must be able to get a really fine grind for vaporizing ... the finer, the better. And if you think smoking yields some yummy tastes ... you should try vaping! It ROX! When I first tried a vaporizer, it was like a religious experience and I will never go back to combusting again! :)



Well-Known Member
it is nice to see you all helping Malissa out if my name was malissa would i get help

its ok i dont think i want the help afterall i read a few pages the first page of post says you cant clone autos is wrong because you can clone them but by them only liveing 9 weeks by the time old enough to clone about 4 weeks maybe 5 im looking at my 3 week old plants now but anyway if plant is cut at 4or 5 weeks and need 2 weeks to grow roots mama and daughter will be ready at about same time some cant clone anything some can clone a rock

thanks i wont bother you people again happy new year

Malissa vap and cure is the way to go for total experience


Active Member
it is nice to see you all helping Malissa out if my name was malissa would i get help

its ok i dont think i want the help afterall i read a few pages the first page of post says you cant clone autos is wrong because you can clone them but by them only liveing 9 weeks by the time old enough to clone about 4 weeks maybe 5 im looking at my 3 week old plants now but anyway if plant is cut at 4or 5 weeks and need 2 weeks to grow roots mama and daughter will be ready at about same time some cant clone anything some can clone a rock

thanks i wont bother you people again happy new year

Malissa vap and cure is the way to go for total experience
lol i fill you bro!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
it is nice to see you all helping Malissa out if my name was malissa would i get help

its ok i dont think i want the help afterall i clone a rock

thanks i wont bother you people again happy new year

wtf is that all about lol
pick ya dummy up m8


Active Member
most likly the N dealio, i hear with auto's it's best to give them 1/5 veg nutes mixed with 4/5 bloom nutes from week 3 on(till flush) becouse you never veg them they dont get the N they need with most ferts(cus you only have time for bloom nutes) smokenow now offence but she doesnt look happy,you should try cutting your nutes so they have a stable bit of N in the PK....(there's a thread on here about a guy who doesnt stop using veg nutes,rather he only gives them some when they start to show n def. his leaves are all green even upto chop)(though some people say you want the plant to eat all preserved nutes so you have less starch/chems) Peace & good growin to all!
Yo 400 could you point me in the direction of where this thread is?? Or some search words that would help.. :bigjoint:
I was lookin around but found nada:leaf:


Well-Known Member
it is nice to see you all helping Malissa out if my name was malissa would i get help

its ok i dont think i want the help afterall i read a few pages the first page of post says you cant clone autos is wrong because you can clone them but by them only liveing 9 weeks by the time old enough to clone about 4 weeks maybe 5 im looking at my 3 week old plants now but anyway if plant is cut at 4or 5 weeks and need 2 weeks to grow roots mama and daughter will be ready at about same time some cant clone anything some can clone a rock

thanks i wont bother you people again happy new year

Malissa vap and cure is the way to go for total experience
I dont know exactly what you were trying to accomplish with that rant but I hope you did so. Maybe if you had stage IV breast cancer people would be more inclined to help you out as well. Or maybe if you just didnt complain about not being helped and kindly asked again, but I suppose you will never know.

My statement about not cloning autos was a bit misleading looking back on it now, my apologies. I know you can clone virtually anything, what I should have said is that keeping a mother plant and cloning off of it like you would with a normal strain is absolutely NOT possible with AF strains considering you cant suspend them in veg. To me, having a mother plant to cut clones from is what I consider "cloning". I was just trying to make the point that if you want to keep particular genetics around, typically people pollinate AF strains instead of bothering with cloning.

That being said, this is not an official help thread. None of us are getting paid to be here answering questions and we all have lives of our own. It is just as hard for us to keep caught up with 160+ pages as it is for you, so sometimes things get missed or accidentally looked over.

If you still have questions, please feel free to ask again. All of us have had to do the same in other forums due to a high volume of posts, so we feel your pain in that aspect. Most everyone here is very involved in the AF movement, so answering your questions may help others and there are plenty of people here that would be willing to help for that simple fact. Just dont troll because we answered someone elses questions instead of yours, it will get you nowhere and I assure you it we didnt do it just to tick ya off :P

Happy growing and +rep if you come back :)