Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Active Member
I have 4 Auto Nirvana Short Riders goin here on day 26... They are all the same age but as you can see my biggest is about double the size of my smallest lol. I have a few yellowing leaves on the bottom i dont really know about. They're in FFOF I've only gave them nutes once and it was a small dose of tiger bloom.

Would be appreciated if some of yall would wanna check out my journal:mrgreen:

how do they look?
They look pretty healthy. I also have a couple that are both the same strain and one is twice as large...Please put the link to your journal in your signature and I would be more than happy to share and compare auto grows with you! My youngest ladies are at day...29 I think.


Well-Known Member
Obviously, with this being my first grow, I have nothing to compare them too. But the auto ak-47's from Lowlife seeds are simply an amazing strain. They're fitting buds into every available space that gets light. Check out this pic, bud forming right at the base of the plant, under the first branches. Madness :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
They look pretty healthy. I also have a couple that are both the same strain and one is twice as large...Please put the link to your journal in your signature and I would be more than happy to share and compare auto grows with you! My youngest ladies are at day...29 I think.
thanks, donee


Well-Known Member
Obviously, with this being my first grow, I have nothing to compare them too. But the auto ak-47's from Lowlife seeds are simply an amazing strain. They're fitting buds into every available space that gets light. Check out this pic, bud forming right at the base of the plant, under the first branches. Madness :blsmoke:

damn thats badass haha. is there no big fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
damn thats badass haha. is there no big fan leaves?
Higher up the plants yeah. The very low ones turned yellow and fell off a couple of days ago. My guess is these were to provide the plants with sufficient photosynthesis ability to fuel the upwards growth, when they reached their full height and budding started they were no longer needed, so the plant gave them up. Certainly hasnt slowed the bud production at all. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Aw, shucks :blush:

I am very proficient at researching, and did a lot before starting. And, ive been looking after them like they're my children. I have to admit, I do have some big plans for the future. Watch this space.

Oh and ps, + rep for making my day with that comment :mrgreen:


Active Member
What do you guys think would be a good strain for outdoors in the southern U.S.? Preferably looking for the highest yielding and something that finishes in 9 weeks from seed or under?


Well-Known Member
Just got my Blue Mystic FEM auto from Nirvana. Must say, they fucking rule, and their shipping is ingenious.


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think would be a good strain for outdoors in the southern U.S.? Preferably looking for the highest yielding and something that finishes in 9 weeks from seed or under?
It'd probably take a week longer, but the auto ak-47 from lowlife seeds is a very good strain. High yields, high strength, easy to grow and maintain. And its mainly sativa so could handle thos hot southern temps.


Well-Known Member
bigby, those buds you are growing look good great! Nice pics BTW, what did you use to get such good close up pics?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man :-D

Just used a pretty basic camera I picked up on e-bay. A Fujifilm FinePix. Its a pretty old camera, but has a good little macro function on it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
thats cool... my first 4 seeds finally germed and I am on my way to my first grow. I don't think my plants will get as big as yours, due to simple genitics, but you sure are setting the bar pretty high for first time growers. i probably already asked this but what kind of soil/ nutes are you using?