Autoflower Vegi Outdoors, Mid to late flower Indors


Active Member
Hi guys so i have 5 auto flower plants growing outside in basically way up north ( Not good weather)

3 of them are in mid flower 2 early flower. Now they have been growing outside 100% of time day and night.

My question is, can i put some of them indoors now to increase the yield ?
If i can what would be the Light cycle? Because by now they are prob used to dark, so 24/7 wouldn't be good.

I found topics about this, but it was almost exclusively Normal strains, and as we know auto flowers tend to react to stress more severely

2. 2. If i put them indors what better to put, two 250 w. Cfl one blue one red. Or 150 w Led panel.
the deal really is ...if the plants are flowering, wheres the new roots gonna come from?

veg stage is just that ...the growing stage

if you must ...then take a very large root ball, into a very large pot

keep them to your current 'light' times

as for light ? ...give them all you got

IMO I'd avoid moving

Ruderalis plants can take a lot of beating

including serious snow and cold

good luck
If they are in pots, you'll be fine to bring them in, but you will have good chance of introducing pests to your indoor garden.
I had hard time to understand the 1 post but i think i got it.

1. Sooo they are in nice 3.5 gal pots, and easy movable so i can just take them in.

2. So when i bring them in i sould do 12/12?? Light cycle?

3.I know they can survive outside but honestly i just want bigger yield in buds, more denser, and safer from MOLD wich is a problem around here.

4. I have no inside plants so i wouldn't compromise anything, except i would be growing in the same room i would dry them? But i think that dose not change alot.
IME autos don't stress much from light changes, I would give it 18/6 or 20/4 indoors. I think they would be fine..