Autoflowering and regular plants in the same indoor closet. Please, help. Strategy?


Well-Known Member

Im growing a regular plant feminized seed (could be sweet cheese or cream caramel). She has been growing for about a month.
I have two pots inside the closet, and im using only one becouse my other feminized seed never germinated.
So, a friend gave me an autoflowering Big devil XL.

What do you think is the best strategy?
Options i have considered:

- Planting auto and run the lights on 12/12 to make them flower more or less the same time and harvest all together.
- Planting auto and continue to veg regular in a 18/6 light cycle till i harvest auto and then switch to 12/12 and harvest regular later.

What do you think? Do you have any method/expirience on this?

Thank you!


Active Member
is the closet big enough to support the 2nd plant in veg for that long? do you know how long it will take that auto strain to get to harvest?

seems like if you want to put something in that 2nd pot it should just be another feminized normal photoperiod plant and save the auto for later. if your first plant is already a month in it could be nearly 4 months old by the time you flip it to 12/12 if you start the auto today and its a long flowering strain.


Well-Known Member
Harvest of auto is 9 weeks. So it is not a lot of time for the veg.

What i can do is switch to 12/12 at the 6th month auto has been planted. So, regular plant will be 2 1/2 months and auto will be almost finished.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Can you just top/lst/scrog the one you'll be vegging a hella long time? Most closets are pretty high. Just run em both on 18/6. Honestly that's what I would do. Then after you have you smoke up the auto you'll have a fuck load coming very shortly from the plant you vegged forever.

Afterall there's multiple things you can do to keep it as compact as possible while your autoflower finishes. Just do that, harvest the auto then flip 12/12 and have a monster plant/yield ^_^


Well-Known Member
I say run
Both on 18/6 until either A. The auto finishes then flip to 12/12 and have a monster photo plant
Or 2. If the photo starts getting to big on 18/6 then flip it.
In my experience autos arent worth the hasle under 12/12. Thier whole advantage is that you can run them under more hours of light. Under 12/12 the yeild will be low. I ran big devil 2's in a greenhouse and only got maybe a half oz of each one
Another grow i did 2 autos and vegged a third plant the whole time they grew in dwc buckets. I ended up transfering the reg plant to a 18 gallon igloo cooler and harvested about 1 1/2 lbs of it. Thats what u get with a 3 month veg. Like nookies said you can bend/train/defolate the shit out of a plant to slow growth and those things will all help it produce more


Well-Known Member
Oh ya no way those big devils are done in 9 weeks from seed. Auto dealers are even worse than reg companies for "overly optimistic" flower times


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much.

I will veg the regular plant, and feed the auto with 18/6. When the auto finishes, ill flower my reg.
Ill also chop the regular so that it grows branchy but small... Like a bonsai.

If it gets too big, ill switch to 12/12 and fuck this plan. haha


Well-Known Member
I'd flower the regular plant too, and just move it to another closet when 12 hours of light is up, then move it back to the other closet when lights come back on. lol


Well-Known Member
I am sad about this. I have an amazing plant growing big and healthy, and a very little autoflowering growing...

If i clone my regular plant. Will it grow fast enaugh so that i can put both regulars to flower 12/12?
Im not saying she will grow and be the same size the other plant... But maybe its better than having an auto... What do you think?


Well-Known Member
you should mainline your photo plant and take 4 clones once you top for 8 main colas. Then flower your mother plant while you veg out your clones for the next round of flowering.

Autos are quality bud but the yield will be same as 12/12 from seed photoperiod.

Vegged photoperiod is higher yielding than auto or 12/12 fs photo.

Therefore you should veg, top, and clone your photoperiod.

Cloning can take some time for the newb... if you have the heat mat and humidity dome it will speed up rooting. but from cutting to flowering it could take anywhere from 1 week to 10 weeks... depending on many variables.. mainly heat, humidity, and light.


Well-Known Member
And what do i have to do with my auto? Get it out of the closet? Or just leave it there and see what happens

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I would simply run the lights 24/7 for both. Keep the other plant pruned back and/or take cuttings. Repot if necessary and prune roots if girdling becomes a problem. After the auto finishes up you can manage the photoperiod as you like. Veg. the clones for a longer period or go to 12/12 immediately. Keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
look, this is my situation.

Also, do you think i have to trim the leafs of the lower branches?
I've never seen a plant like this. I trimed the top once. then 4 main colas grew. I trimed the 4 main colas and the top again. And this is whay ive got. A monster branchy plant!

Looking at this, whats your strategy?

BIG PLANT: photoperiod plant

400hps 18/6 right now.




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<img src="" border="0" alt="" title="Sleeping" smilieid="210" class="inlineimg">


Well-Known Member
I will take out my auto, and leave just one photoperiod plant.
Ill take the auto outdoors.

Ill have 1 big BIIIG plant in there.
What do you think?