Autoflowering white dwarf at 33 days. Purples in the sky


Well-Known Member
and in the stems. She honestly seems to be doing really well still, and shes been flowering for like more than a week already. According to her info she has like 3-4 weeks of flower left to go. Is the purple-ing normal because she is flowering?

-Buddha Auto flowering White Dwarf
-1x 125w Mixed Spectrum Mostly Red CFL (12,000 Lumen)
-1x 65w Blue Spectrum CFL
-MG Organic Soil - Fed MG organic nutes 2 weeks ago. Slight nute burn, began only feeding water, nute burn issue resolved with slight scars.
-Light cycle was 24/0 until Barneys Farm Red Diesel seedling was introduced to then switched to 16/8.

The first pic is her a few days ago, second is her today looking good from afar and then I zoom in and let you see the nice buds and then on to the purple nurple fest.



Well-Known Member
You've still got some time left but they are forming up well. The purple could be from cooler temps...maybe you had some lately? Also what is the PH of your water? Make sure its not too high or low.


Well-Known Member
In actuality last night I forgot to turn their heater on. It dipped down to 66, which I still think is reasonable but those spoiled girls probably aren't used to it getting that low.


Well-Known Member
In actuality last night I forgot to turn their heater on. It dipped down to 66, which I still think is reasonable but those spoiled girls probably aren't used to it getting that low.
your plant would actually appreciate the cooler temps at night its more natural,Ive heard of guys using air conditioners at night to cool off there rooms to simulate mother save yourself some $ on power and take that night time heater out of the room trust me. :)


Well-Known Member
LMAO, ty, my wife made the, she also made my background which is pretty badass.

Cooler temps are good for them....then it couldn't have been the cold that caused the purples?


Active Member
I hate when journals drop off like this. I always worry that the dude either died or got busted haha. Hopefully, he just harvested and moved on. Although selfish as fuck!

Anyway, good looking shiz man.