Autoflowers always have cal mad def!


Well-Known Member
I have 4 auto flower anubis plants growing in a hydro setup and they always seem to have the cal/mag deficiency... i have bought cal mag but no diffrence... i run it with canna flower A + B hard water and plant magic plus cal/mag but fucking things are still yellow and have brown spots :/ it always seem to effect the top half since they was babys now there in flower and still being proper bitchy with the cal mag :(

Is it just a auto flower trait or am i just a nute noob :( am running 600pm max ph 5.8.....

can sombody tell me a good mix i have a 30L tank wilma 4 pot.... I also have the following products:

- canna flowers A+B
- Canna Boost accelerator
- canna pk 13/14
- suoper thrive
- plant magic plus mag - cal

is there any geniuses with nutes that can tell me how to make a super meal for my babys! they are 2 weeks into flowering probably another 4 weeks left....


Well-Known Member
Mine only start getting the rusty brown spots when I run out of head room and the plants is too close to my LED. If the plants stays short mine is green from seedling through the cut. If the plant grows too tall and I can't back the light off enough I always get the rust spots. I use a CalMag supplement also but it has something to do with the light being too close.