Autoflowers way overgrown


Active Member
Herbies are first class, I would contact them with pics. They will come to some mutual agreement with you.

If you can get away with tying the plants down, that is your best option.


Active Member
I gave my mate some of my heavyweight auto bubble candy and auto shooting star seeds that I bought from Herbies. He had one of each and neither have auto'd (he was growing outdoors FYI). Whilst I know Herbies is a reputable seedshop it does make me wonder why they are pushing a v little known brand of seeds with undocumented new autos as their "pick of the bunch" (which is what made me I buy them in the first place). I will not be growing this brand after what I have read here and after my mates experience. Hope someone actually has a positive experience with them but there is v little info on the web about heavyweight autos or other grow journals to refer to. For now my seeds will sit in their packet indefinitely or will give to friends who want to try them 12/12. They're not good for me if they aren't guaranteed autos. I need quality genetics (i.e. Joint Doctor, Lowlife, Buddha etc) and not genetics like those seen in Nirvana autos which are v v dodgy from what I have seen... sadly from my mates efforts and yours... heavyweights autos are not looking good IMO. I have heard a lot of people say stick to tried and trusted breeders and not the new 2nd/3rd gen autos that are untested... I thought I would give it a go though with these autos as they sounded so good on the site (am I a sucker?!). You can't go wrong with Joint Doctor... the guy created autos in the first place! Hope this helps someone make an informed decision! By all means I welcome being proven wrong as then I might look at these seeds again but so far... I'm not encouraged. Anyone else with any Heavyweight auto results please pipe up! :) Cheers!


I was hoping for good news on these as I have 2 on the go atm,funnily enough they are now at 4 1/2weeks and no sign of flowering yet,they are smaller and alot more bushy than those in the pics though under a 400w hps about 12" above them.

My brother planted a speed devil(auto) 4 days after my bubble candy,its now 18" tall and growing at 1" per day,it had 27buds until we hit it with bud blood,2 days later it had 54buds!!!!

I'm hoping that they are maybe late budders and do auto.


Heres my largest bubble candy at 5weeks.

Heres its little sister again at 5weeks.

And my bro's Biggest speed devil,same age!

And the speed devils little sister which germed 2days later.

And heres Joey who was gonna guard them all from insects.

Joey seems to have buggered off with his big brother max,prolly out getting his nasties,and living in a local council nest by now :(
have the exact same problem mines are 4 ft tall and had to put the light in a vertical postion on 12/12 and 4 weeks in they r flowering although i feel like jack in the beanstalk. in fairness to herbies when i contacted them i was offered a refund or a replacement but nothin to compensate for the extra 8 weeks of leky ,work, and cold turky