Automatic AK47 closet grow


Well-Known Member
cheers for the kudos man! will be anxious to see how they turn out over the next few weeks, mine and yours alike! cool comparison opportunity, a Rollitup party would be amazing....imagine what we were doing was completely legal and that would probably be very common, like minded growing indiciduals :).....but anywho sadly most of you guys are in america! eesh, I wish that everyone could experience the graitfication of making something out of nothing, sigh*

The Higgs Boson

Active Member
Hey, Cheddar. Good looking plants, and nice journal so far. I just started a journal last night of my auto AK after being inspired by yours and a few others I have seen on here. My oldest is 13 days now, so I'm a little behind you. I'll keep watching your posts and hope everything goes smoothly for you. Any help you could give on my would be greatly appreciated. Good luck, man, and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
hey man looking nice. how tall are they right now? they'll shoot up on you..

39 days huh.. gonna have to be patient with this one! arr i'm hoping mine will be done around 90 days..


Well-Known Member
hey guys sorry i havent been about on here lately....gots me a lot of work to do but i promise a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge update on the 19th when i get back to see my glorious sheila :) but for now im outta town, hope all your grows are going well!:)


Well-Known Member
Hey there, looks great so far. Been reading your journal all morning as I have just started germinating my auto ak's last night. So far three have cracked and I have just one quick question- I ordered 20 seeds and I ended up with 21. Anyways, I don't really want to go buy 21 2 gallon pots since half will turn out male SO will it stunt growth, or otherwise negatively impact my plants if I put them in small cups until they show sex then transplant only the females into the 2 gallon pots? Thanks for the help and goodluck with your journal. I will be following it closely.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, looks great so far. Been reading your journal all morning as I have just started germinating my auto ak's last night. So far three have cracked and I have just one quick question- I ordered 20 seeds and I ended up with 21. Anyways, I don't really want to go buy 21 2 gallon pots since half will turn out male SO will it stunt growth, or otherwise negatively impact my plants if I put them in small cups until they show sex then transplant only the females into the 2 gallon pots? Thanks for the help and goodluck with your journal. I will be following it closely.
hey man! cheers for having a peruse of my journal, well these suckers tend to develop root mass rather quickly, due to them showing sex from about 17 days onwards (by that time the 20cm height and diameter pots had a nice healthy root system)....i could imagine that the seedlings that take longer to show sex may struggle and become rootbound....It sounds as though you have yourself a predicament!
Ill see if anyone i have been watching had used small cups at the start with these ak's but they do like their space.....lucky man, cant believe they gave you a free one....thinking about it i had 2 ak's in 1 pot and they were severly stunted, it sounds like a shit load of effort but for that amount of plants you cant complain :).... ooooo and make sure you set your humidity higher(round 60 till they sex then lower it) grow room was dry and created more males than females, im sure you could get over 50% success, anywho goodluck man! :bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
hey man! cheers for having a peruse of my journal, well these suckers tend to develop root mass rather quickly, due to them showing sex from about 17 days onwards (by that time the 20cm height and diameter pots had a nice healthy root system)....i could imagine that the seedlings that take longer to show sex may struggle and become rootbound....It sounds as though you have yourself a predicament!
Ill see if anyone i have been watching had used small cups at the start with these ak's but they do like their space.....lucky man, cant believe they gave you a free one....thinking about it i had 2 ak's in 1 pot and they were severly stunted, it sounds like a shit load of effort but for that amount of plants you cant complain :).... ooooo and make sure you set your humidity higher(round 60 till they sex then lower it) grow room was dry and created more males than females, im sure you could get over 50% success, anywho goodluck man! :bigjoint::peace:
hey guys, ive been growing my autoflowers in 2 gallon bags, which are unecessary and will be switching to 7 liter pots and the root mass is perfect in this size pot. ill get the square ones and make a "mock" sea of green


Well-Known Member
7 liter pots huh? I'm off to the store right now to find some and failing that I'm going 2 gallons. 3.68 x 2 = 7.36L anyways


Well-Known Member
oops... 3.785 litres so 2 US gallons = 7.57L

the breeders website reccemnds 5-7 liter pots.

my 2 gllon bags had roots go about 3 to 5 inches from the bottom, so in that case 5 liters would have done them ok, im still going with the 7l squares i can find the link from where i ordered if u like


Well-Known Member
I would have liked those square pots. Especially considering how tight my tent is at the moment, but I found 2 gallon pots so cheap I had to buy them.

Thanks for the help anyways

I would also like to give props to superthrive at this point in time

phil le b

Well-Known Member
I recieved the seeds a few days ago and am in the process of building up my growroom, at the moment its a closet grow since they plants are quite small. for the meantime while i germinate the plants i have got 2 20 watt cfls above the 5 litre pots.... anyways i should be recieving the 250 watt envirolite i ordered tomorrow and will be using it for the veg period and a bit of flowering then i will be swapping to a 250 watt HPS bulb to finish it off...anyway i will put pictures up once i get the thing sorted
thats like my girls



Well-Known Member
good morrow dear sirs! im back and have come home to find my baby in fairly good shape :D shes packing on the pounds (well grams but yeah) and looking fine, got me an ultra macro camera so i got a few sweet-ass shots she has a lot of yellowing fan leaves but im hopeful this is jsut her progressing through flowering since nothing but the fan leaves are being affected she is looking tastey and looks to be maybe an ounce and a bit at the mo

enjoy :joint:



Well-Known Member
good morrow dear sirs! im back and have come home to find my baby in fairly good shape :D shes packing on the pounds (well grams but yeah) and looking fine, got me an ultra macro camera so i got a few sweet-ass shots she has a lot of yellowing fan leaves but im hopeful this is jsut her progressing through flowering since nothing but the fan leaves are being affected she is looking tastey and looks to be maybe an ounce and a bit at the mo

enjoy :joint:
lookin good ched, nice to have you back


Well-Known Member
Hey Chedddar, love the closeups. What kind of a camera set up are you running with and did you photoshop the insert in the one photo? Love the close-up of the trics.


Well-Known Member
well i gots some more close ups for you to peruze! its an olympus 1060 on super macro mode....but i ahve a magnifying glass in the closet and utilised that to get some foooooking close shots enjoy yall
oh yeah and im using image editing software in my opinion :) some other shots of the males outside.....the transgender freaks are still only packing heat at 5 inches....slow growing bastards



Well-Known Member
"super macro" sounds like it should have like an x12799 after it

super macro-x12799 option..... the future of closeup weed pictures
yeah man, its mental how close this camera can get and get some crazy trichome pics....ic ant wait till the trichs turn milky and amber, that will be when this camera wills how what it can do :bigjoint: