Automatic plant waterer (Great for dryspells and Guerilla Grows)


Well-Known Member
Going to your garden can be a pain in the ass and my even land u in jail at the wrong time. If u can cut down on trips u can cut down on risk.
I saw this on an organic gardening website.
All u need to do is poke a pin hole or two in a milk jug put a milk jug burried about 1/2 foot deep right next to your plant. It will water it for a few days, making it neccessary to check the garden once a week at the most. If it rains u dont have to go at all until u need to fill the milk jug back up.
Im sure u can use anything that holds water. A five gallon bucket comes to mind. Heat up a pin and poke thru it. That would even catch rain water better, but u should probably cover the tops of whatever u use with a screen or something so the piun hole isnt clogged by debree.

Optimus Primo

Active Member
I've been pondering that. I've been thinking of burying the 5 gallon bucket full of rockwool and put the plant in a small hole in thru the lid. Have a few holes in the bottom to flush it out a bit. Add a layer of rocks on the bottom of the hole to set the bucket on to allow drainage. Start the plant under 24hrs indoors till a small bush. Then plant the bucket outdoors, remove the handle. Water it every few weeks for two months.

Sun X Hydro = Yield!


Well-Known Member
i know if i dug 1/2 foot deep down next to my plant ill be hiting root
I would suggest doing any digging near the plant before the root ball goes crazy. Where I am outdoor grows are just now being plotted out, so I was kind of intending this to be done at the same time u ad the plant, otherwise thats ur risk. If u already planted and want to add something like this Im sure the average Joe could figure it out, its not rocket science.:peace:

I've been pondering that. I've been thinking of burying the 5 gallon bucket full of rockwool and put the plant in a small hole in thru the lid. Have a few holes in the bottom to flush it out a bit. Add a layer of rocks on the bottom of the hole to set the bucket on to allow drainage. Start the plant under 24hrs indoors till a small bush. Then plant the bucket outdoors, remove the handle. Water it every few weeks for two months.

Sun X Hydro = Yield!
Thats an idea right there. Although I wouldn't consider it hydro just because it is mainly a hydroponic medium. The main thing is it will hold the water well, which is what Im after. I think it may hold water too well though, and not enough air. I suggest making the top 8 inches of that 5 gallon bucket perlite and under that put the RW. The perlite holds about 40%-60% air fully saturated, this way u can soak the RW to death and the perlite will wick the water from there while keeping large amounts of oxygen at the root zone. When the plant is young it will only be in the perlite and as it gets older and is able to drink more it will start leaching from the RW.
I guess it would be like a 5gal versionn of a hempy bucket


Well-Known Member
they make a plant waterer for remote grow its on one of my threads cheak it out its like 35 bucks way nice


Active Member
I use the same idea in my tomato garden. Only I go down 1 ft. with pvc. This allows to deep root water the plant. I think I will add this to my secret garden but I'll go 1 ft. Lets compare notes at the end of the year.Will use buckets, cat litter 3 gal.Just make sure you wipe them clean of finger prints and watch put for the stealth cams!! Peace and love


Well-Known Member
I use the same idea in my tomato garden. Only I go down 1 ft. with pvc. This allows to deep root water the plant. I think I will add this to my secret garden but I'll go 1 ft. Lets compare notes at the end of the year.Will use buckets, cat litter 3 gal.Just make sure you wipe them clean of finger prints and watch put for the stealth cams!! Peace and love
sounds like a good idea and also i have seen it done and work well as long as the whole in the bucket or container is an adaquite size. dig the whole for the container before you plant the plant or you will fuck up the roots. good luckbongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

Grow some

Active Member
Some techniques I use to keep the soil moist:

1) 2" compost. Works really well!

2) Vermiculite

3) planting in the ground (the bigger the hole the better)

4) check the rain forecast (less visits = less risk)

5) card board, dippers, any thing that absorbs water put in the bottom of your hole before planting.