Automatic trimmers - yes or no?

Ya'll quit bein' lazy ass pussies, fiskers and hard work. That iis the only good way to do it

Being that I have severe arthritis that causes my hands to go into cramps that can sometimes make trimming a tortuous experience I got a trimmer to get my crop harvested with a little less suffering. As most of the pot I consume is in the form of edibles it really doesn't matter all that much if they get a little beat up in the process. Better they suffer than me.

I don't sell pot so bag appeal means nothing to me and the real pussy is the one that calls others pussies without considering their issues. bird.gif
That sounds like a totally shitty method to trim pot. No decent curing possible doing that.

This damn trimmer of mine is near useless with fresh pot so I either have to change my methods or get rid of it. It would do a great job with buds that are partly dried using the hanging method but fails miserably with fresh bud unless it's already trimmed to near completion.

Anyone want a slightly used Trimpro Unplugged for about 1/3 retail? :)
I loved that.

You slate the product then offer it for sale haha!

If im honest though Id take you up on that deal! I hate trimming, do you ship internationally? Haha.
I use the original spin pro, it's a manual trimmer. It's brilliant, it may smash they buds rounds, but that sure helps the rso and edibles I make with the trim.

For me, my lower back just gets ruined after 4 days trimming 5-6 hours a day.

I trim wet, cut buds to golf balls, then spin pro them. They look great afterwards, nobody ever says a thing! The rice crispie space cakes we make are very popular amongst friends and ourselves.

I couldn't go back to hand trimming. There's a line. Anything more than 4 medium sized plants and I'll use the trimmer. I will still occasionally hand trim the odd plant here and there...
I loved that.

You slate the product then offer it for sale haha!

If im honest though Id take you up on that deal! I hate trimming, do you ship internationally? Haha.

Sorry. Canadian addresses only. :)

I might just use the hanging method to partly dry the buds first and toss them in the trimmer tho I much prefer my slow dry method for the taste when smoking or eating. My cocobudder tastes great when made with well cured pot but a bit nasty with something like quick dried trim. I consider quick dry anything under 3 weeks to get dry enough to put in jars for burping another 3 weeks.

I may just contact the guy at the hydro store I got it from. He's been really decent to deal with the last 10 years so it wouldn't hurt to see what I could swap it for. My inline fan sounds like it's packing it in. No-name Chinese POS.

It really depends on how much you have to trim per harvest. Twister makes 3 different kinds. They have the large T2 trimmer for serious commercial farmers, the T4 that is for the mid level and does about 4/7lbs wet/dry, and they just came out with the home grower. I think the new home grow sized trimmer can do something like 1-2 lbs an hour. The T2 and T4 can be set up to be used in line with multiple trimmers to speed it up even further. The trimmers also have wet and dry tumblers for better trimming. They also recently made an attachment to preserve the trim for better extract and pre-roll use.

I have used the T2 trimmer and it is awesome. Expensive but it pays for itself in the first harvest. I mean lets say it takes 3 days at 12+ hours a day just to buck down, then about 8 hours per pound per person per day to final trim. Do the math...

The trimmer style was originally designed for trimming hops. It does not tear the buds up and does a clean and effective job. Now as far as boutique level showcase ready, well that would take a final trim by hands. That is a given.

The new trimmer is the T6. 4lbs dry. 2lbs wet. Here is a pic of the new T6.
Being that I have severe arthritis that causes my hands to go into cramps that can sometimes make trimming a tortuous experience I got a trimmer to get my crop harvested with a little less suffering. As most of the pot I consume is in the form of edibles it really doesn't matter all that much if they get a little beat up in the process. Better they suffer than me.

I don't sell pot so bag appeal means nothing to me and the real pussy is the one that calls others pussies without considering their issues. View attachment 3957457

Now you sound like a whiny pussy with shity hands. Sorry to hear of your ailments my sympathies
to your wife. But the rest should man up and trim properly,

What ever floats your boat Buddie
I picked up a TrimPro Unplugged for half price a few months back and glad I did. Only used it on a half pound grow so far and tho it does beat the buds up some they look good when they are done. Got a 2lb grow at 6 weeks now so it'll get a better workout this time.

I agree with OldMed because I have seen your trimmer in your grow journal I was checking out earlier, next to all your nutes :)
I would prefer hand trimming any day, but gives me a great idea to design a better "almost manual" one using an adapter for a cordless drill and attachments for variuos stages of trimming.
Kickstarter here I come lol.
In addition to that idea I had, those with arthritis, ("non-pussy" ailment by the way for the ignorant), you could use a drill stand/vise, powerbar/plug and zipp ties on the trigger. This way you can flip the switch on the power bar to turn the drill on.
Next just take the colas and bring them into the drill attachment's mini chipper/chopper.
It would be cylindrical over the cola area like a tube with cutting fins.
Go in a 3 step process or so, stick cola in, trim, toss in basket for next (finer) drill attachment.
Rinse, repeat.
Hell, I bet most could DIY this now at home with my idea and some beer cans ;)

By the way, I'm not responsible for visits to the ER.
If your gonna use beer cans, empty the cans a week before trimming or trying out the build . Just a thought, Cheers!
Actually after I started this thread, seeing how some trimmers are built I think I will put my modest machining experience to use and fabricate
my own hand trimmer, something like the EZTRIM Wander Trimmer, the design is very simple.
I'll get around to it at some point.
I'm planning to start my first grow this summer. I'm aiming very high and I would like to plan ahead.
I will be expecting a yield of 3-4 pounds and I will have no one to help me with trimming.

I can get a Spinpro clone for US$180, and I would like to hear from people who have tried automatic trimmers about their experiences.

Do you keep using them? Why or why not?

It seems to be very aggressive process.
Aren't the trichomes getting damaged?
Is the trim useful for anything afterwards? Hash? Extracts?

Do you trim wet, semi-dry or dry? And how does it fit with proper curing?


I like to compare auto trimmers to food blenders.
Hand trimming sucks, but we all know that going into growing.
Hand trimmed meds with gloves or meds through a blender?
My 2c

I used to trim wet, now i trim dry, just pluck big leaves off wet. I also dry the whole plant, instead of brnaches.
I've been reading tons of reviews and watching videos, for the last couple weeks. The Twister T2 is a nice machine and probably built a little more rugged then the Centurion pro's. But the Centurion Pro trims just as fast and just as good, if not a little better. The Centurion Gladiator does almost double the work of the T2 for about the same money.

After all the reading, videos and taking the size of our grow into account I settled on the Centurion Pro Silver Bullet. The Centurion Pro regular would have done just fine but the silver bullet is 30% quiter and has a built in stereo system to jam out to. lol (just had to be different)