Automatic watering Non recirculating DWC system

Hi everyone I'm new here but have been a grower for a long time all indoor. I currently been growing using bubble buckets with a new type of watering system that I developed that I call the Forest City Hydroponics System! How many times have you had to crawl on the floor to fill up your buckets? If you have a recirculating system then you know the drawbacks of having that type. Mine doesn't recirculate it instead fills each site up when the nutes solution is up took by the plants. It works like this once the timer is set by you it turns on 2 float switches on a bracket I designed then it senses the water level and turns on the pump witch fills up the buckets. Each site has a float switch that stops the flow and a pex T fitting that allows it to flow to the next site then the last site that contains the electronic float switch turns off the system. Now just in case the float switch malfunctions there is a secondary float switch that will turn off the pump and if it still doesn't shut off the mechanical floats prevent the flow and it recirculates backs in the Rez! Untill the timer reaches it's limit and stops flow. What ya guys think? I'm starting a kickstarter campaign here in a couple days and I think you guys in this forum would love it! Even if you already have a DWC setup the Retrofit Kit would be up your alley. Check it out and tell me what ya think.
if you zoom in you can see the root guard and the two round things are the float switches. the one on the bottom has a slosh cap around it to protect it from roots and the one above never touches the water unless the lower float switch fails