Automatic watering systems


I have a 40 gallon reservoir and a 1/3 hp sump pump, 1/2” pex line feeding bubbler (8 spouts) each feeding with a 1/4 hose and sprayers. Everything is in 5 gal pots with coco perlite. All on a timer or was for 1/2 day
. Here’s my problem... Its siphoning my reservoir and flooding my room. How do I get it to stop siphoning?? Watched a video where this dude pops a hole at the top of the feeding line but that’s not an option due to overspray. Surely I can’t be the only one with this issue. Any help would be MUCH APPRECIATED! Thanks
Put a tee at the top and run a 1/4" hose back to rez, when pump turns off and siphon begins it will pull air through the 1/4" hose and break siphon