Autos 3 weeks from seed already showing flower

the title pretty much says it all. i have three auto blue mystic only about 3 weeks from seed and already starting to bloom, shall i keep veg nutes goin?

help Please and thank you :weed:


Well-Known Member
Good question, I switch but I've only done a couple grows with them so will be good to see what more experienced people say.


Well-Known Member
id switch when auto's show, i usually miss veg nutes now altogether with autos n just have a little somthing in the soil to last them the first month and go straight to flower :)
coolio, yea my soil consists of:
compost- 1 bag
high grade top soil- 1 bag
organic nursery soil- 2 bag
charcoal- 1 bag
ground coconut husks- 1 bag
manure- half bag
lava rock pellets- 2 bags

I mixed all of this in a tarp and let it sit for a few days its some gorgeous stuff,
I also forgot to mention that im growing outdoor in a sort of smart pot prolly close to 5 gal
they are like something similar to those space pots with the holes in the side
im on a budget and have done my research so mainy its DIY for me

Thanks for the help my fraands



Well-Known Member
for autos your supposed to give veg nutes the first week after flower for the stretch if the soil have nutes wait the first week of lower flush an then flower fert
autos tend to stretch the first week flower if you give flower nutes in the beginning of flower cut the stretch