K.I.T., I tried to post this yesterday, but the forum was having issues and my post wouldn't take:
I just harvested an Auto growing DWC and would have gotten better results were I not sharing the same closet with some photo period plants that had the lights at 12/12.
Whoever told you that you cannot do autos in hydro is full of shit. My La Musa auto was pretty successful. I can't help you with high yielding strains, but I would check out Delicious Seeds both La Diva and La Musa. Under the right conditions, people in the Auto forum are frequently posting 2 zips as the Yield per plant.
Honestly, I would worry about getting the set-up and conditions right before worrying about yield. Start with an auto, if you insist on going that route, that thrives in most conditions and is easy to grow and then go from there.