AV Cart - 30" x 20" x 48" Grow Box

Hey now......

So I found this sweet metal AV Cart at a thrift shop for $12.50 - like the ones they'd wheel into class in middle school to watch crappy educational movies. I thought it would be cool to turn it into a grow box. So I started rummaging around on sites like this one and I've been learning a little, but I'm sure I could use lots of help along the way for this project.

The AV Cart is 30"w x 20"d x 48"h (total height including 20"h storage at bottom) and is on heavy duty casters.
The top metal shelf as well as the top of the storage compartment are removable, so I will remove the bottom one to make the grow space 48"h instead of roughly 28". Should be plenty of room for one or two plants, right?

For lighting, I'd love to build my own LED light if its not too complicated or expensive. I've seen some with two 24" lightstrips which seem pretty easy, and others using COB lighting.
Or, I could do CFL lights. I have a 3-light vanity, 3 ceramic light sockets, and a 3-way dual pole socket to start with. I found all these at second hand stores around town for less than $10 total.

I found these white metal trays that look like chinese checkers trays with holes in them in a star pattern. They are 18" round, so a perfect fit, and I thought I could use one or both for the LED build or CFLs.
Or, I could also just buy a LED light like a 300w Viparspectra.

My question for lighting: Do I need a ballast? If so, what should I look for? I'm no electrician so that would be new to me, but seems fairly simple. Also, will I need to deal with heat? I see all these cfl grows with lights everywhere, but I don't want to burn down my house.


For my interior, I found some 24" x 24" military grade "mylar" bags on craigslist. Well, I was told they were mylar, but they are actually something called Foil-O-Rap. I'm not sure what exactly that is and if they will work, but if not that's okay. There are plenty of alternatives if needed.

For filtration, I plan on making a diy carbon filter and having it in the back corner of the grow box, with ducting to a fan near the top of the box and a 4" extractor fan pulling air out. Anything else I'll need? Perhaps a couple of intake fans near the bottom of the box? And a small fan inside to blow on my plants?

Sorry so long winded, but thanks if you read this and please comment if you have any thoughts or tips for a beginner. Any advice would be much appreciated!

- BoomerBoognish
Cobs would be nice that's what I run but I think it might heat it up a little much when all closed up. The strips (I've never ran) people say run cool and can have plants closer to them. If I were you the strips would be a good choice and I'm pretty sure they are not all that expensive.
So I've been poking around, and learning some stuff.
I think I'll build a fixture similar to this one and use LED bulbs for veg, then a LED/CFL combo for flower.
Might use one of my white trays (see OP), or I might just get a board like this dude.

I think I'll do this for my 1st grow rather than strips just because of the availability - I already have everything but the bulbs.

Any advice on specific bulbs/what to shop for? (preferably available at Home Depot, its near the house)
I'm a total newbie, so I'm curious what might be the best arrangement, etc. for lights.
You want "cool white" for veg and "warm white" for flower. I forget the actual numbers, but I think the veg bulb is like 5500 or 6000k and the flower bulb is like 2200 or 2500k
Well I wouldn't mind spending around $100 or so for a 300w LED, but honestly this is my first grow and this setup might not be used again... so I'd rather keep it cheap and simple, like $50 or so and I can make a fixture/reflector. There's lots of examples on youtube and on here.
What about this light?


Would I need other bulbs as well?

Basically I'm a noob so a million questions running through my head and I'm sure I'm overthinking it lol
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I've herd of people using the 5000k for the whole cycle. It for sure works, but in my opinion you would see a better gain from the yellower bulbs during flower. The real key here is making sure to get enough light at them.
That bulb specifically would be good in a fixture that could reflect the light on the back side, back to your plants.
Hey guys.
Update on the super, super slow progress of this project.
Hard to do much on this with a baby boy and work haha.

I've put together the walls and foil material - kind of temporarily in place just to see how it sets up.

The outer walls are some fiberglass material I got for $3 a sheet (4'x8') and cut to size, then drilled holes to match the mounting holes on the frame of the cart.
Duct taped the edges, and I'll go back around and make sure its all sealed up tight before use.
The frame has some holes already in place along the edges at the top, so I'll be able to just use those to fasten some chain or cable wire, etc to hang a light.
The more I think about it, I might just get a decent LED light. Light weight, low heat, less headache.

For the front, I have velcro to go around the opening, and I think I'll get some heavy tarp type material so I can roll it or flip it back over the top for access.

For a filter, I think I'll just run some duct out the side or back near the top and have a diy bucket filter sitting on top of the cart.
Initially I thought I would keep it in the back corner inside, but this way I'll have more room.

She's not the prettiest thing, but I just want something to get the job done.
would that light work for veg and flower?

Yes it would.
It would also mean you have a lot more light than you would buying a cheap LED and a ton more than cfl.
Its possibly the best lighting available in LED tech.

To answer another of your other questions, yes you always need to deal with heat, air exchange is important for heat removal and maintaining co2 levels.

Try panda film, You could Velcro it on. It would last longer and be more reflective than tin foil.
Been a while, but I've been working on the cart box here and there.
Basically, I took it apart and rebuilt it.
I told you this would be a long project!

Here's the updated design at 48"h x 30" x 20"


I made a few changes, as you can see.
I took the metal doors off the bottom and framed out the front with 2x4s. This way I could put the door hinges right to the frame and the doors would seal up easier.
The doors are white 1/2" plywood. I have several 1'x3' pieces I was going to use for shelving in the garage - I can spare a couple.
I added a 9" x 12" piece at bottom on each side, and attached it to the other to make one 45"h x 12"w door.
I considered using this stuff for the entire build, within the cart frame, but thought it would be too heavy and bulky.
I changed the interior walls to some particle board with one side white. Its about 1/8" thick and you can get a new 4x8 sheet at Home Depot for about $15.
I found some large pieces at the resale shop for a couple bucks.
Its pretty sturdy and for my small setup I think it should work just fine.
I used 2"strips of the white shelving board to brace the inside of all the corner spots. In the front corners, it butted right behind the edges of the 2x4s and made a nice tight fit.
I sent some wood screws through the bolt holes in the top corners of the frame, through the particle board, and into the plywood.
Holds really tight and helps seal up any cracks for light to escape. Also helps make the walls more sturdy.
I still have the fiberglass sheets I can add to the outside if needed, but I think this will seal up tight enough and it looks way better.

So that's where I'm at, pretty much just need the light and I'll make a diy filter.
Then have it set up in the back room of the house, probably.
Too hot in the garage or shed in the Oklahoma summer/fall seasons.

I'll update when I get it all put together, might be a while though :?