
What about major tokes avatar, he has a snoop dog, ever think its snoop your talking to.
Not really because Snoop is a laid back stoner like us, so he could represent us all, but the guy with Lil' Wayne as his avatar makes me think I'm talking to some loced out gangster dude...lol.
The thing for me is, I usually don't read a persons name, I just look at their avatar.

I can recognize most of the people I respect on this forum by a picture of a woman getting fingered or a woman who loves the American way.
got to get ur point accross. i think it identifys your personality.

mine is simple i love dank so i got a leaf that spins and i look at it for hours and try to gues houw many times it spins in a minute my appox answer is 76 if you were wondering LOL

I used a stop watch and counted 60 180 degree turns and 30 complete 360 degree turns.
Oh and yeah when I see a black guy as a avatar I think I am talking to a black guy.

Or when I talk to FDD I think I am talking to a leggy women with a shotgun.
Oh and yeah when I see a black guy as a avatar I think I am talking to a black guy.

Or when I talk to FDD I think I am talking to a leggy women with a shotgun.
HAHAHA I seen pics of FDD..hehehe he's nooo woman thats for sure. But I bet he owns a shot gun he is "American".

P.s When you guys see mine I hope you see an ageing native who loves to smoke bud. Smoke rolls from my lungs like a dragon non stop.
It doesn't really change the way I read things, but it does give me a perception of the person. For example: When TheConstantGardener had that god like avatar, I pictured him to be a very spiritual old man, now he has that freaky looking cat, so my perception has changed to just an average Joe with a sense of humor.:mrgreen:

so I'm average now lol!

I'm neither old, nor spiritual. Well, my kids call me old but what do kids know? I'm above average height and I have more than the average number of arms and legs (think about this one).

Arrid's new avatar creeps me out big time especially when I am blazed. Speaking of which...it's time for a bowl.
when i see people's names an avatars it represents nothing to me except the personalty of the person.....when i talk on here i just think of you as the void an thats what i speak to....the pics an names just add sense to the void..
Hey PirateGuy.. Might I suggest a skull and cross bones

here's one......

i get bored with av's, and change mine often. however, i identify most of you by your avatars.....

doesn't alter my perception though, your posts do that.... :p

I might start a new screen name.....Like the artist formerly known as NO GROW.

Then I can change my avatar aswell.

NONGREENTHUMB, I think that screen names change the way I think of people to.