Average age of RIU members?

How old are you?

  • Under 18, GTFO!

    Votes: 12 3.0%
  • 18-25

    Votes: 148 36.5%
  • 26-31

    Votes: 79 19.5%
  • 32-40

    Votes: 70 17.2%
  • 41-48

    Votes: 38 9.4%
  • 49-60

    Votes: 45 11.1%
  • 60+ Good for you, oldtimer!

    Votes: 14 3.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
yea, all my great uncles gramps and my dad were all old school rough necks...

I know you were...but hes trying to make it out likes hes all fucked up and shit lol....i call BS on that, ill go with whinning bitch syndrome . If yuor dads tuff im sure you got soem tuff genes...my old man is bulletproof still for and old fucker lol
Been smokin for a few years, lol 53 years old. Starting my second outdoor grow. Purple diesel seeds, can;t wait to see final results, must sow first though.


Well-Known Member
49-60 is gaining!! but for what we lack in numbers we surpass in all other things like growing better weed......

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
But you say you all, when ya'll is readily available.
And I'm pretty sure it's widely accepted that older people grow better weed, due to more experience on the subject.
Finally the recognition!!!

I demand a re-count!

C'mon now Al, No dangling Chads here.

Despite the fact that the majority of RIU users seem to be in the younger age bracket, I wonder if the older users still produce more weed.....
We produce enough!!

Turning 23 next week. I'm part of the up an coming know it all youth movement.
I had a movement, does that count?