Any information/advice, such as yours, that says "in my experience" is almost always totally wrong.
For one you said "pure-ish" and I never said anything about crosses, did I? Any time you have a cross you will have combined genetics and they will alter results. So your "pure-ish" sativas are not comparable to what I said.
Firstly, I posted that bit of information as something i had experienced. Citing evidence is something people do when they are trying to learn, or help others to learn.
I said pure-ish, because, as you the expert should know, Pure landrace sativas are virtually unavailable to the growing public. Even if you purchase a "thai" strain from a seedbank, chances are very very stong that at some point it has been crossed to make it more stable/faster finishing/less prone to staminate growth ect. So if i said "pure" sativa i'm sure you would have jumped all over me and picked that detail to pieces.
So either way, obviously any real world practical situations are not going to apply to the things you say. Would you say that the high from an indica lasts longer than that of a sativa?
The problem with people like yourself is you suffer from the delusion that THC levels are at their highest only when they are amber and that is a myth, an urban legend, a fallacy. It is what people who do not know the chemistry and biology of marijuana plants believe because certain effects seem to be more potent to them. ...
Fuck you! Don't put words in my mouth.
The problem with people like yourself is that they're always presuming things about people like myself.
Did I once claim that pure amber trichomes have the highest level of THC? Or for that matter claim that THC alone is what is responsable for a good high?
only the ignorant truly believe that equates to an increased level of THC. IT is only an increase in the effects they prefer.
I can agree with you there!
But you're assuming that increased levels of THC are the end all be all of being high. Go inject some pure THC and see where that gets you
That is the whole point to what I have said all along and that is each individual should harvest when the trichome color will give them the effects they most like.
And my whole point is that there is more to the picture than just the colour of your trichs.
Why is it that you cannot understand and accept such an extremely simple concept?
Again, Fuck You!!!
You're trying to belittle me to make me seem wrong, but instead you're coming off as defensive and petty.
I understand just fine, I just feel that you're taking the wrong approach to things and being misleading.
As for misleading newbs it is people like you who tell them to harvest when their crops will best fit YOUR personal preference rather then schooling them in how things work and then allowing THEM to decide for themselves when is the proper time to harvest so THEY end up with what THEY will like the most instead of what YOU would like the most.
and what are you doing?
As for your claim about seeing amber and cloudy trichomes after only 3-weeks of flowering, well I began growing roughly 37-years ago and I have never so much as one single time seen that happen. I can only believe that you are attempting to manufacture "evidence" to support your position.
Maybe you should pay attention to your plants.
I'm not manufacturing anything. Only sharing my own experiences, rather than copy+pasting straight from conflicting sources and trying to come off as some fucking plant scientist.
Usually experience humbles people when they realise how much they truly don't know, but it seems like you're pretty convinced you know it all. So good luck with that buddy.
I'm gonna enjoy a nice bowl of my "degraded garbage". It smells like stawberrys. Interesting that some of the most dynamic terpenoid production happens during the "downslope", making for some real funky, amazing (ohh subjective, how unscientific of me) smelling weed. (or my weed maybe smells that way from all the THCV?

Peace and happy growing.