Average Humidity is 25-35% in VEG. Help!


Active Member
My average RH is 25-35% in veg.
Avg. Ambient Tent Temps: 72-78
Avg. Leaf Surface Temps: 80-84

I am using a grow tent 64" x 36" x 20"

6"x16" phresh filter 200cfm

4" VenTech 190cfm pulling from filter

Also a 6" Growbright inline fan 424cfm pulling from Air-Cooled Tube exhausting out my window

I have one of my girls tacoing downwards, looks like its getting a lack of Nitrogen because the leaves have turned from a lush green to a more pale green, with light browner spots, and spots of darker green. I overfed her last week but changed the soil-less mix.

Will post pictures later.


Active Member
Nutes pH were 6.7 (pH perfect sensi)

Runoff around 6.4

Using sunshine advanced #4 with about 30% more perlite


Active Member
Avg. RH : 28%-35% (Trying to raise RH but it seems to be so dry...)
Ambient Tent Avg.Temps: 72-80
Avg. Leaf Surface Temps: 80-84

Just fed her two days ago:
Sensi Grow A : 1mL
Sensi Grow B : 1mL
B-52 : 1mL
Voodoo Juice : 1mL
Cal-Mag : 1mL

Here is the girl that is "tacoing" when I pressed the tops of the leaves they seemed very brittle and dry.

You can see her leaves are starting to get some brownish spots and the green is lightening

I also FIM'd her right before I fed her.

I don't know if it was bad or not, I should of consulted first... but the leaves were twisting and turning black so I trimmed them off to try and let the new undergrowth get light so they can grow out faster.... major setback. She still seems lifeless

Auto#1 [ A ] - Few of her roots are starting to come out the bottom of the 3L Airpots, should I move her into my 3gal smartpots?

Fed her:
Sensi Bloom A : 2mLSensi Bloom B : 2mLBig Bud : 1.5mLBud Candy : 1.5mLSensizym : 1.5mLVoodoo Juice : 1.5mLCal-Mag Plus : 5mL

Her undergrowth:

Auto#1 [ B ] - Some of her roots have reached the bottom of the Airpots as well. Should I move to 3gal superpots or keep in 3L Airpot due to they are autoflowering? Will they grow bigger? This Auto is not branching off much, not getting any space for noding... She is quite bushy. Does that mean buds will be very dense?

Sensi Bloom A : 2mLSensi Bloom B : 2mLBig Bud : 1.5mLBud Candy : 1.5mLSensizym : 1.5mLVoodoo Juice : 1.5mLCal-Mag Plus : 5mL

Her compact undergrowth:



Well-Known Member
hate to say it ,but it looks like its a case of poor genetics. i keep hearing people talk about breeders almost refuse to stabilize a trait before advertising.its a money thing.


Well-Known Member
Your RH is fine at 20%, obviously higher is better but it's no the cause of ur problem here..maybe back off the nutes for a minute