Average outdoor kush indica yield?


Thanks guys for giving your two cents worth it is greatly appricated and as far a 3 pounder goes garden boss I think that is way out of my league but hopefully she will be very generous and legend 9mine keep us up to date on your og mine is 5 ft, tall WOW 7 fucking ft. tall that must be some imprissive looking girl because I love looking at mine.I took some pic. today but I'll be fucked if I know how to upload them if I ever figure it out I will post some pic.
doublejj that's a beautiful garden you have!
To increase yields, tie the plant down over on it's side to let the sunlight hit the sides of the plants, be careful to resist topping some strains. Make sure the strain you have will react positively to topping.


Hi guys I just finished feeding 2 pk with flora nova bloom cycle and it is August 1'st. and hot as hell I also yust gave my og 3 table spoons of organic black strap molasses with 2 1/2 gallons of ph'ed rain water I'll see tomorrow how they like it.I was worried about ants so I sprayed ant kill all around my 5 gallon pots.Has anybody used black strap molasses outside and if so has anybody had any problems with ants I hope the little fuckers stay away. I've used indoors with no problem but outside I'm a bit nervous but I've read that it increases the microbial herd in the soil and they don't like that so if anybody has any input on this I would love to hear of any experience anybody has had with using BSM outside


Hi guys I tried the black strap molasses and the plants really loved it they all looked they were on viagra because every leaf was standing straight up towards the sun, but and there was something else liked the bsm.The next morning when I went out to check up on them I could see that something else liked the bsm because my pots all had been disturbed and I am pretty sure that it was those ugly fucken raccoons. There was no major damage I just put some new soil on top to cover up the exposed roots.I think the only reason they didn't tear them too fuck was I think they didn't like the taste of the fertilizer and as soon as they tasted it they stopped tearing them up so as much as I would love too keep using the bsm I guess I will have to save it for my indoor grow, and by the way one of those ugly fuck'en raccoons chased my wife into the house while shr was sitting on the back step having a toke i swear too fuck I am going to kill every last one of those cocksuckers that hang around my property fuck the live traps they don't know it yet but they are all fucked.Considering what those fuck'ers did my plants look excellent and all of them are in full bud and are looking great.Happy growing everyone.