

Well-Known Member
Broad mites are 10x worse than spider mites. First you drive yourself crazy because the symptoms mimic heat stress. By the time you figure it out, you're INFESTED. I killed all of my plants down to 4 well rooted clones. I cleaned everything then hit them with the avid. Threw away the 15 dollar home depot afterwards and left the house for a couple days. I also set off a couple bug bombs prior to the avid. They killed hundreds if not thousands of ants. Didn't even know they were there. Dropped from a tiny hole in the ceiling in my bathroom. A big pile of em. Dead.

RE: broad mites. I will NEVER buy a clone again. Period. Not worth it. Too easy to get seeds.

The Growery

Active Member
Mighty wash didn't do shit but make my wallet lighter, at least against broad mites.

Honestly I'm open to all suggestions but at this point I simply want to kill these bastards. I've lost too many plants and too much fucking time.

Besides that I'm sure many of you would be shocked at whats applied to your food supply but lets over react to what can be used safely.
just b/c industry uses toxic pesticides doesn't mean we have to. come on man.


Well-Known Member
avid is NOT-

sprayed on food crops. as for coal tar dyes(think lake 40), if you let em(your family) have it something's wrong.


Well-Known Member
Well try to get some wipe out or epic leaf shield or zero mite. It's all made here in Michigan. They started as zero mites (couple imposters named smilarily) and then went to epic leaf shield and then to wipe out. The company is in all kinda of turmoil involving fueding brothers and the EPA. (Simple labeling issues from what I heard) THIS STUFF WORKS.

Mighty wash works great for me too as a preventative. It's a free radical and any soft bodies insect will die to enough exposure. It doesn't make em explode necessarily but it kills their living cells 1 by 1.

I got myself a nice little apocalypse bunker filled with wipe out just in case something sneaks in this fall. The rumor mill says that it won't be available til spring at the earliest IF it is in its current incarnation.

It worked great for me I use wipe out then 3 days later use mighty wash then 3 days later use the power wash. 3 days later repeat.

Wipeout is more then a spray. You gotta water with it too. It's an enzyme that fucks em up I guess. What's worse then a nuke but easier to clean up? BIO warfare!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, avamectin I think is what I heard. An old timer got all skeptical and did some research for me and said its like the stuff vets use for skin mites on farm animals.

It's funny I just had the feeling that I got em back last night. Some leaves doing some clawing. I couldn't see anything but I'm still gonna hit anything without a bud hard as hell with mighty wash just to make sure. Il prolly water in veg/early flower with wipeout too just to be safe. They are so terrible once they take hold I'm so scared to get em again lol


Well-Known Member
Was looking online and didn't really find anything.
I'm interested in what the active ingredients are. Is this a cannabis based product? I'd rather buy the active ingredient than pay more than necessary. Makes sense that would be an active ingredient.
Well my abamectin Will be here in the 30th so we shall see the results hopefully. Just trying to find out the amount to use as I've seen conflicting reports on the mixture.


Well-Known Member
Ya avid is called that. I don't remember the wipeouts main ingredient. I know that's what the EPA is involved for. Keepin shit off the label.

I remember when it was zero mites it said something on the label that was all chemistry style not just a plant oil. And yes I think it is canna industry specific. I heard some farmers from potterville knew how to take out mites and started peddling zero mites. So idk really I just know it works great


Well-Known Member
We all learn something new every day. Otherwise we waste an opportunity to further understand the world around us.


Well-Known Member
i meant the no food crop thing-

it is NOT approved for lettuce. similar to ganj?

spraying avid in a marijuana grow room clearly shows ability. i, and many others think its foolish. propagandizing it is leading to noobs spraying it on everything. there are so many better ways.

yes, it does make them explode. they hunch over at their back, until the pressure inside makes them rupture.


Well-Known Member
As I've asked for other ideas but haven't heard anything better being offered.
This isn't my first choice but to say it isn't safe is actually misleading. I posted information stating the safety and chemical impacts. It isn't hard to conclude it can be used safely.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update. Sprayed Sunday and as of now I've identified zero living mites.
Plan on another spray come Wednesday so I'll keep this updated on my response.