Avoiding Check Points!


Hello everyone I'm pretty new to this thing but Def need your help if you can share some information with me. I'm coming from Texas and will be Makin a stop soon in Colorado with my dad and want to grab some legal bud but I would like to avoid checkpoints and have a better chance of Makin it back with some good smoke and hopefully not have to deal with the screwed up fines and charges you can get from bud in Texas. If anyone could help me out with a route I'll be comin from San Marcos headed North on 35 I would appreciate it.
Hello everyone I'm pretty new to this thing but Def need your help if you can share some information with me. I'm coming from Texas and will be Makin a stop soon in Colorado with my dad and want to grab some legal bud but I would like to avoid checkpoints and have a better chance of Makin it back with some good smoke and hopefully not have to deal with the screwed up fines and charges you can get from bud in Texas. If anyone could help me out with a route I'll be comin from San Marcos headed North on 35 I would appreciate it.
Where are these checkpoints? Are we in Nazi Germany? Don't let them get away with a checkpoint. If you get pulled over for no reason (and you have nothing to hide) refuse to answer any questions. And ask if you are being detained for any reason. When he says no, say bye and start the car.

Checkpoints are illegal. They have to have a reason to stop you.
Where are these checkpoints? Are we in Nazi Germany? Don't let them get away with a checkpoint. If you get pulled over for no reason (and you have nothing to hide) refuse to answer any questions. And ask if you are being detained for any reason. When he says no, say bye and start the car.

Checkpoints are illegal. They have to have a reason to stop you.
If only it was that easy. He said he does have something to hide, that is the reason he wants to avoid the checkpoint.
If only it was that easy. He said he does have something to hide, that is the reason he wants to avoid the checkpoint.
Ok, drive two cars, one 5 miles ahead on same road. Send txt, call, radio, ... back if they find a checkpoint If so car #2 stops for a long lunch while car #1 goes through the checkpoint then circles back via another route to grab a snack and continue on via new route.

This shouldn't be needed if you have any kind of stealth and don't have any convictions or heat on you though.
Checkpoints are illegal. They have to have a reason to stop you.

You'd think they would be, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, they are legal. And there are various types, depending on the entity; TSA, DUI, Border Patrol, etc. OP is wise to consider them, especially with bordering states getting pissed off and increasing enforcement.
And, almost all checkpoints have dogs these days.
That being said, people do manage to transport it out of state on a regular basis. G/L!
Hello everyone I'm pretty new to this thing but Def need your help if you can share some information with me. I'm coming from Texas and will be Makin a stop soon in Colorado with my dad and want to grab some legal bud but I would like to avoid checkpoints and have a better chance of Makin it back with some good smoke and hopefully not have to deal with the screwed up fines and charges you can get from bud in Texas. If anyone could help me out with a route I'll be comin from San Marcos headed North on 35 I would appreciate it.

Interstate transportation. Seems like a big hassle for some weed. Don't you have a high school or something where you live?
this has the stench if pig all over it. op has 1 post never came back. remember that thread of a user going east from colo? he doesn't want avoid them he wants to know where to put them!
Fines and charges?? U sure u going to texas bro?
Cus they almost behead u for shit like that in texas? U sure ur from texas? Ur sounding like u dont know the stoner culture/lingo?
U probly a pig? o_O
lol the states are hard up when it comes to weed huh? canadian cops are pretty tolrent for weed here most likely won't even search ya, just as long u pass the sobriety test
this has the stench if pig all over it. op has 1 post never came back. remember that thread of a user going east from colo? he doesn't want avoid them he wants to know where to put them!

Naw man I'm not a cop I posted this and never heard back from anyone for like a week so didn't check back till today cause well be goin this weekend. My dad has felonies but myou records clean but I'm nervous cause I have a suspended license and he'll be driving so I just don't want to be looked into and go to jail cause Williamson county and hays county fuckin suck in tx for real . Just thought I would ask cause I've heard there were checkpoints just not sure I've never been to Colorado and this is the closest place to go for me
Fines and charges?? U sure u going to texas bro?
Cus they almost behead u for shit like that in texas? U sure ur from texas? Ur sounding like u dont know the stoner culture/lingo?
U probly a pig? o_O

Really man I have to talk dumb downed to be a stoner..fines and charges are real terms and yeah not all of Texas is bad travis county basically has made bud legal just depends on which cop you cross every where else you'll be charged with possession and get fined out the ass maybe have to take classes.
I drove from se kansas n bk and didnt see any check points - best of luck check your lights out good n dont speed at all and u should b golden
I drove from se kansas n bk and didnt see any check points - best of luck check your lights out good n dont speed at all and u should b golden

Cool Man thanks that's all I needed to know. Just want to better my chances at Makin it home to my kids and family instead of goin into this blind you know.
Where are these checkpoints? Are we in Nazi Germany? Don't let them get away with a checkpoint. If you get pulled over for no reason (and you have nothing to hide) refuse to answer any questions. And ask if you are being detained for any reason. When he says no, say bye and start the car.

Checkpoints are illegal. They have to have a reason to stop you.

Dude I'm Mexican with tats and my dad's white all tatted...we will be pulled from our car and beaten to death if we try that shit. I'd rather just avoid them all together.