aw, what am i doing wrong??


hi all!
if anyone knows how ill avoid getting more of these white spots on my plants, that would be great! im gettin a little worried:/P1018111.JPG
im not sure how old they are but im guessing somewhere between4-6weeks, i keep them under a 400w hps lamp with the lowest setting on the ballast, 16hours of light a day..
idunno if u need any other info..

trichlone fiend

New Member you mist your plants while the lights are on. That specific leaf looks to have a spill burn on it. ( water spill on leaf while lights are on will create burn spots on your leaves )


Member you mist your plants while the lights are on. That specific leaf looks to have a spill burn on it. ( water spill on leaf while lights are on will create burn spots on your leaves )
hah! perfect, yes i do. or yes i did.. i should wait with that til the lights off then? or avoid it completly?


Well-Known Member
If you must mist them, either do it right before your lights come on, raise the lights so that they're 30"+ from the tops, or, turn the lights off altogether, until the plants are dry, then turn them back on. It's more trouble than it's worth, really. I'd skip it, from now on, if I were you. :)


Well-Known Member
foliar spraying is a good the plants get bigger they use the roots less for nute and water intake.i always foliar feed my plants.its best to do it right after the lights come on so that the pores in the leaves are open.try to find a sprayer with a very fine mist as like they said leaving a lot of water on the leaves can burn it comes to any plant nature grows best..if it was outside it would be getting rain from time to time,its good to recreate that inside..and you can spray them up to 2 weeks before harvest to keep the moisture out of the bud


Well-Known Member
one more thing..have you checked for bugs?certain bugs can infest a plant and make it look like the color is being sucked out of it


it might be nute burn.... even if u didnt add any theres some in the tap water and i the soil you buy.... cant help it.... BUT... from my experience, the first 2 lil circle leaves die, and the firest set of 3 leaves that never turns into a pot leafe dies too as soon as the first shoot gets big enough for photosynthasis, probly like 2 weeks from seed. - and those 2 spikey leaves die too.


Well-Known Member
it might be nute burn.... even if u didnt add any theres some in the tap water and i the soil you buy.... cant help it.... BUT... from my experience, the first 2 lil circle leaves die, and the firest set of 3 leaves that never turns into a pot leafe dies too as soon as the first shoot gets big enough for photosynthasis, probly like 2 weeks from seed. - and those 2 spikey leaves die too.
if it was nute burn..the tips of the leaves would be turning yellow or brown,not white and in most cases that is.and if its at 4-6 weeks old if it is the first couple sets of leaves it will be healthy and big enough to be rid of might help if we can get a pic of the whole plant..a pic of a single leaf makes things hard to tell..based on what the rest of the plant is doing


if it was nute burn..the tips of the leaves would be turning yellow or brown,not white and in most cases that is.and if its at 4-6 weeks old if it is the first couple sets of leaves it will be healthy and big enough to be rid of might help if we can get a pic of the whole plant..a pic of a single leaf makes things hard to tell..based on what the rest of the plant is doing
For the most part your right, in severe casses, but if u only burn it a lil the symptoms will differ a lil based on the fert your using cuz each nutrient toxicity will lock out a different nutrient from the soil.


Well-Known Member
For the most part your right, in severe casses, but if u only burn it a lil the symptoms will differ a lil based on the fert your using cuz each nutrient toxicity will lock out a different nutrient from the soil.
very true...but thats only if he is using nutes.....kinda need more info on whats all going on to give a proper answer


Well-Known Member
now that i think about it...white flies can do just that...check under your leaves to see if you find any tiny lil bugs.or if you shake the plant you can see them start flying around.they start feeding on the underside of the leaf and suck out the nutes...making it turn white in spots


hi, ill get pictures taken as soon as the light goes on, shouldnt be long now, there have been a few of these spots comming after i stoped misting them, but theyre so far down and i think its cus the water i put to the sould sometimes toutches the leafs?ill check for these flies but im quite sure thats not it.. anyways.. think its about half anhour befor the lights go on



heres some diffrent pics.. i think nr4 has some new kindof spots.. too much nutrient? how are they lookin u think?
and also.. that filter with motor in the corner, surely there must be a better way to attatch that tube or whats it called to the motor? silvertape just kindof falls off after a few days but i dont know how id get it to stay there? suggestions?


Well-Known Member
the only thing i could guess would be some type of infestation..if its spider mites you should see a web like material on the leaves if you mist it with water..could also be white flies..they suck out the leaves from below and leave white spots all over the leaves.there is also miner worms..or miner maggots..i forget the right name.but they kinda do the same thing that yours are doing..but they leave like little tracks behind them where they eat across the leaf.keep in mind that even if you never see a bug,dont mean they are not there.even in the best grow room you can get them..sometimes they come in the say trim off the part of the leaf thats doing it..not the whole leaf..just the infected area.the rest of the plant looks great..i wouldnt be over concerned just yet.


the only thing i could guess would be some type of infestation..if its spider mites you should see a web like material on the leaves if you mist it with water..could also be white flies..they suck out the leaves from below and leave white spots all over the leaves.there is also miner worms..or miner maggots..i forget the right name.but they kinda do the same thing that yours are doing..but they leave like little tracks behind them where they eat across the leaf.keep in mind that even if you never see a bug,dont mean they are not there.even in the best grow room you can get them..sometimes they come in the say trim off the part of the leaf thats doing it..not the whole leaf..just the infected area.the rest of the plant looks great..i wouldnt be over concerned just yet.
ok, its not possible im putting to much nutrients in the water then?
thats what i was told at first.. but i have no clue
and its only the lower parts of the plants that get these if thats any help..
ill cut it away though.. just think ill wait til morining :) thanks for ur time


and also, i havent seen any trails and im sure theres no webs in there.. i havent seen any white flies, not sure if wed even have the same kind of bugs here in denmark as in usa? ofcourse i am new to all this, but never really heard about white flies at all.. sometimes theres some brownish-yellow flies around but thats the brightest color flies i recall seeing haha. ill look closer for trails though, maybe easier to notice if i know what im lookin for :)



okej heres some closeups.. one looks fuckin scary thru this macro lens :S but it seems to me to be two diffrent kinds of spots? yellow n white