**awesome Crop Needs Help Fast**


Well-Known Member
il start with please and hello, i really need your advice guys, am a noob grower 1st timer ive posted on here few times looking for help when in worrie but very rarely do i get help unfortunetly.


TOO KEEP THINGS SHORT- growing 4 plants in soil with organic nutes and adds, what was ment to be big budda cheese (unsure now) in a budbox-budhome-budtent its about 2m high x 1m squared under a 6oow light with carbon filter and 5" fan.

my plants are now 40 days into the grow, vegged for 21days average height 20inch, now 19 days into flower grown like awesome monsters they are going on 50inchs tall and that wide (bushy) that they are just 10inchs from my light with all the box taken up.

is this a problem? what can i do?


got plenty of good pictures but sick of uploaded them when for some reason i dont get egknowledged

your help would be very greatfull and will (should) let me have a good 1st crop with a little help,

also for GOOD Help if a wise indoor grower familiar with growtents and soil grow is willing to advise and help me with my problems throught the rest of my 1st grow.

i would gladdy no word of a lie send them the 3 fully feminised Sweettooth seeds purchased from barneys farm that i will now not be using!



Well-Known Member
yes! its like 1 big plant all 4 are like 1 the branchs at the side are growing up the box sides they just way too big

ps thanks for reply

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone on here will take you up on your offer of seeds...thats just unsafe. As for space, there is some great info in the growfaq, which I have linked for you, on tying down your plants to allow for more space up top. Good luck.GROWFAQ

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh...the only idea I'd have is another grow tent...but you probably want a real solution.At least this will bump your thread.
its not just the top, all the plants are like 1 there not 1 inch of room, these last pictures was taken 1week ago and lots of growth has happended since


Well-Known Member
I bend mine over or tie them back. I dont have problems if Im at least 9" away from 400w hps. Not with an air-cooled hood. I have literally bent large stalks at 90 degrees within the first several weeks of flowering with no negative effects... The bend heals fast and they still grow, it just slows down the vertical growth a bit.


Well-Known Member
I bend mine over or tie them back. I dont have problems if Im at least 9" away from 400w hps. Not with an air-cooled hood. I have literally bent large stalks at 90 degrees within the first several weeks of flowering with no negative effects... The bend heals fast and they still grow, it just slows down the vertical growth a bit.
you mean kind of like snap the highest branches? am confused sorry


Well-Known Member
Super-cropping involves breaking the branches tying them for support and allowing them to heal it works well.


Well-Known Member
what apart the plants all growing into each other and climbing up the sides of the tent? does the not matter?


Well-Known Member
no it doesnt matter let them go just keep them away from touching the light,pretty soon you should be able to multi crop if you want.


Well-Known Member
YOU dont have to bend you could cut the tops and let the rest keep flowering.my diesel grows so fast and tall that I have to cut it at the top, and just let the lower part keep flowering.