awesome... this is the second time

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
this has hapened to me
my light have fell once again on to my plant and burned half the plant! its awesome right
heres the pics what to you guys think i think she might make it the only problem is on the lower stem its dry as dry weed stems so that might kill her but idk

today was going to be the 19th day of 12/12 to find out if she is a girl and nothing still... this wont help her show ether
im assuming this will stun everything because what has happened.
it seems like such a waste of 6 weeks... i was even gonna get a new set up yesterday but i coulndt find a box i like. this sucks


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
unlucky mate...
yeah i just wanna beat my self up. atleast i just started another seeds a couple days ago and today it broke through still not as good as one about to flower
but im deffinitly gonna get a new box to grow it. one where the light does not fall haha

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
I think it will be fine, a little retarded maybe but still viable - these plants want to live and a little thing like the sun crashing down on it won't keep it down :D

Good luck!

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha alright cool
yeah it bounced back after being even worst burned but i just hate that it will be stunned such a pain in the ass
but hopefully today illg et a new box saw a nice dresser/cabenit thing on craigslist just now so might go get that thing to grow in now and wont have lights falling anymore

Brick Top

New Member
Get something like this and your light will not fall on your plants.

Close Window Sunrise Hi-Low Reflector Hangers

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Well-Known Member
harsh man. same thing used to happen to me when id tape lamps and shit to the wall. i've lost many a lightbulb and many a leaf. don't use sketchy gear. lesson learned.