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Are there any available for me to buy ? Recommend some please 

Personally this has always fascinated me when im stoned, its looks to me like something that would be in a mage's study
apparently i cant figure out how to embed a video sorry, but heres the link
if you've never watched any of the animusic stuff id suggest looking at them all on youtube, most of them are badass
Lol I bet you can rock one of those things pretty good proctor.
I would like to get myself a full size sitar, just very expensive, and a lot to learn. Lol
I remember someone mentioned a while ago that they have a DVD of all girls in shadows dancing that they put on while tripping. I would like to find that video....
Haha I wish. I wouldn't even know how to hold that thing. So many awesome instruments I want but can't afford...A sitar is high up on the list but your right, a quality one will run you some money.
This is going to be my next purchase: