Ayahuasca Brew


Well-Known Member
Found a recipe for the brew using caapi vine and viridis leaves. Gonna make some and try it out this weekend. Anyone have any suggestions or tips?


Active Member
Tripped on some shit, leave it at that, but Ayahuasca is nothing to be taken lightly. Very, VERY intense trip... We used mimosa hostilis root as the source of our extraction. Don't know about anything else.


Well-Known Member
My big question is if I make the brew ahead of time how long can I store it and it remain potent or do we need to make and consume it fresh? I'll let y'all know how it goes when I do do it


Active Member
How'd it go?

My buddy just had me listen to a Joe rogan podcast where this guy went to Peru [I think] just for this. His story piqued my interest.