Ayahuasca - Ever heard of it?


Well-Known Member
From wiki:

People who have consumed ayahuasca report having massive spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on earth, the true nature of the universe as well as deep insight as how to be the best person they possibly can.[SUP][2][/SUP] This is viewed by many as a spiritual awakening and what's often described as a rebirth.[SUP][3][/SUP] In addition it is often reported that individuals can gain access to higher spiritual dimensions and make contact with various spiritual or extra dimensional beings who can act as guides or healers.[SUP][4][/SUP] It's nearly always said that people experience profound positive changes in their life subsequent to consuming ayahuasca[SUP][5][/SUP] and it is often viewed as one of the most effective tools of enlightenment.[SUP][6][/SUP] However, during an ayahuasca experience, people sometimes report nausea, diarrhea, and cold flashes. Additionally, vomiting almost always follows ayahuasca ingestion; this purging is considered by many shamans and experienced users of ayahuasca to be an essential part of the experience as it represents the release of negative energy and emotions built up over the course of one's life.[SUP][7][/SUP] There are many reports of miraculous physical as well as emotional and spiritual healing resulting from the use of ayahuasca.[SUP][8][/SUP] There are no yet known long-term negative effects.

Has anyone ever tried it?
I prefer cutting my penis and burning it until I halucinate, It's a ancient Myan techincue, Research it, it's awesome, give it a try.
you should move this over to the hallucinatory drug section for some better answers imo jp as we have a few very experienced people over there that don't seem to venture too far out of that part of the site for w/e reasons..
its a form of oral DMT that is mixed with an MAOI and when they are combined you trip balls for a long time! never tried it but I have always been interested in the ritual and have fantasized about trying it myself
you should move this over to the hallucinatory drug section for some better answers imo jp as we have a few very experienced people over there that don't seem to venture too far out of that part of the site for w/e reasons..

ANC.....is GOD!! if he dont know bout it.....it doesnt exist!! HMM!
good luck getting your hands on something like that. look up how its made and you'll understand what i mean.
but in reality your not actually talking to god. you'll be talking to yourself, maybe the couch...a tree? who knows what you'll be talking to.

yeah except it most likely isnt god, ive talked to a lot of people and things before on drugs didnt make them real LOL

Well, obviously it's not really god, but at that point does it really matter?

I've never heard of 1 person who tried it and said the experience was negative.
Well, obviously it's not really god, but at that point does it really matter?

I've never heard of 1 person who tried it and said the experience was negative.

they said a lot of shit baout how salvia was uplifting too, i remember that was one of the worst trips ive had
they said a lot of shit baout how salvia was uplifting too, i remember that was one of the worst trips ive had

For me personally, salvia is very uplifting. The only downfall, IMO, is that the effects don't last long enough.

I've been thinking about going to Peru and doing this for about a year now. It would be a great vacation and is very cheap.
For me personally, salvia is very uplifting. The only downfall, IMO, is that the effects don't last long enough.

I've been thinking about going to Peru and doing this for about a year now. It would be a great vacation and is very cheap.
to each their own i dont get the whole " i do hallucinogenic drugs to get an uplifting experience out of my life and talk to god and be one with earth"
You gave yourself the bad trip, it is always you, never the substance. The substance just brings the faults and insecurities up to the surface and all hell breaks loose. DMT and aya will never get the exposure it deserves. People think "oh you were on DRUGS when you had this experience, it all makes sense now" but in reality those people have no clue what they are talking about. They say "you were just hallucinating, that wasnt real", well wtf are hallucinations? How do you know what people see isnt real? Things like DMT, aya, dreaming, etc. have shown people amazing things, some that should be impossible and cant be rationally explained. As for the crazy people, Im sure a lot of them pull their hallucinations from their own imagination but is that happening with every one of them? Theres some things that just cannot be fathomed by ones imagination, amazing things that never once existed in their brain yet when they take these substances BAM they are there.

Anyways, I've never tried aya or DMT but I cant wait to try DMT.