Damn, I just read through this whole thread, Really hope she is doing OK. The truth always pops up, just wait and see.
I hear ya Canibus ... The truth always does pop up, sometimes it just takes longer than we, as humans, want it to. No matter how long that may be.

(Picture of Ayla's Mother and Father, Trista Reynold's and Justin DiPietro) According to Maine State Police, the father (Justin) did not pass what he refers to as a "Straight Face Test." Both of them, had separate reasons and outcomes concerning lie-detector testing; Trista (Because of being on meds, maybe (IMO) either street or prescribed), and with Justin, well (IMO) He said he "Smoked It", when Maine State Police states something to the effect, "Not Exactly".
It's a complex case to say the least. I think from time to time, we all are complex. I know that since I hosted the Vigil this past Saturday, (That was the second one that I did), things have been made more "Public." I may have to do a third one, and have the entire "Waterville Community" just waiting to find out, like me, if we will continue to keep "Hope" alive as well as "Faith". In matter of fact Canibus, that is why this past Saturday, I took the 2 hour Vigil, divided it into 4 - 30 minutes segments, and spoke of "Hope, Faith, Community and Family." It was a good Vigil, but only heard by those that had gathered up here in Waterville, Maine, and was only about 60 in number. There were a lot more than that, but the rest were made up of media; Radio, Television, and I think I saw a couple of them from S.A., but they don't understand English too well, but they are just trying their best, like me, to get a "Little" girl home ... and that may just have to be where it looks like it may be ... as of this writing this morning.
Personally, I hope this comes to an end fast. People are really getting on my nerves, especially since Saturday, when I dawned on me about my friend and the personal message, and the way that I have to word things. I have to, because that is what Law Enforcement officials have advised me to do. I am not trying to hide anything, nor do I want to add fuel to this mess up here. I know that I am not giving enough time to my "Medical" marijuana grow here, as well as spending all day posting, either here or on FaceBook. I just can't. It's because I am running around, trying to get this resolved as best as a normal, yet with a tarnished record (Felon) can do. Some people get it, especially my "Family of Community in Waterville" knows who exactly who I am. They know about my past, yet, cast that aside and just want to help both me and Ayla.
Hell, someone asked me some pretty dumb questions, but I guess they don't have anything else to do. We call them trolls on here, but I guess there are trolls all over. They think that I murdered Ayla. They think I live next door to the house. They think just because I have a "Friend" in prison, that I just give up on them etc. Like I told the Detective yesterday, my biggest problem is that I call "Everyone" a friend or buddy, pal. That's just who I am. That is my nature. Been like that for 53 years. Can I change that? Sure, and I will, but it will not happen in 53 seconds. I just wish that people would look at facts, or laws before opening their pie-hole. Since I have already stated this, but feel the need to bring it up one more time .... I am a pedophile. But because of Maine's law, I do not have to register as a sex offender, for it happened over 30 years ago. I had a blip in life. I was on street drugs, and they were heavy hitters. Similar to today's Bath Salts. I made a mistake and am ashamed of it. I am morbidly ashamed of it. I will, as will she, carry that weight until the end of time. But ... To repent, I feel the need (personally speaking here) that it happened over the corse of time that I was "messed up". I am not that way today, nor have I been for over 28 years when I met someone that I married.
Just last night while I waiting for my wife to get out of work, my phone rang. It was someone, that was calling me and concerned a "Personal Message" that I had placed on FaceBook. ( I wrote that Personal Message to "One" individual, who has responded (almost immediately I may add via text messaging), but it is still out there. Maybe he has a guilty feeling on his shoulders. I don't know. What I do know is that it is now in the hands of Detectives, who will decide if it's worthy or not to pursue. Not me, for because of my upbringing as a Catholic, we love thy neighbor, as well as 9 other Commandments. It's a troubled world we live in, and a lot of this in today's world, sadly to say, has to do with drugs. Both Street and Prescribed.
I used to work (prior to becoming disabled 5years ago) work for a company that is a major distributor. I wrote the word "Success." Back when I was working, this particular company had flyiers, patches worn on hats, shirts, everywhere that word (used in various forms depending on what department you worked in; Example when I worked in Customer Service; (Teamwork is the key to Success) and that is how I meant it when I posted recently. Someone wrote this on a post; "Success" in keeping Evil Secrets, detracting attention with "promulgating the Holy Dogma" of deception, all in the name of a Writer's Quest for Glory, and relegating the finding of Ayla to an after thought of Justice" And then they ask the "listeners that are watching this one forum (of many) ... "Did I interpret that right?" I am like what the f--k !! (I had to look up them big words, for I am who I am)
I probably said more than I should have, but hey ... I know where my heart is. They don't. I knew from the get go, Day One, that I would be scrutinized for my past and all of that. Did I care. No. Do I care. No. All I want is what happened to me just the other day ... to have a "Little" one know that He (In my PERSONAL life now know, my grandson) or She (In the Reynold's and DiPietro's family, know that Ayla is home. Period.
God Bless, and thanks for the time and ear. I am getting better both health and mental wise.
Bob ~ The MaineYankee
PS for those down in SA ... Reason for the Screen Name; I live in Maine, am a Die-Hard New York Yankee Fan. It does not mean "Nuclear." (Check it out when you 'TROLL"