AZ dispensary owners are clueless

Friendly recommendation...consult your lawyer...not the legal minds of RIU.

If you grow for others and don't have a lawyer, get one!

it's still unclear to me... will cultivators be able to sell to dispensaries in az? open market [business to business] as long as the seller is legally allowed to grow and the buyer is licensed to dispense? this is how colorado is set up.

I am pretty sure that growers can donate medicine to dispensaries but they are not allowed to be given anything of value in return. In this instance I believe that applies to both patients and caregivers. I may be mistaken I have not checked that piece of the law in a while.
While patients and caregivers are allowed to grow, they can donate extra meds to dispensaries with no compensation. I don't see that happening though, who is just going to give away meds to the guys making money. Also dispensaries ( licensed cultivators) can sell to other dispensaries.
it's still unclear to me... will cultivators be able to sell to dispensaries in az? open market [business to business] as long as the seller is legally allowed to grow and the buyer is licensed to dispense? this is how colorado is set up.

No lawyer needed. Answer is NO - at least if your expecting any compensation in return for your hard grown herbs... Any includes $ btw.

If you are a caregiver you can only sell to your licensed patients (the ones you can only have up to 5 of, that the state issues you a card for). Any other sale is considered a felony - and the pigs ARE busting people stupid enough to be selling on CL for this exact thing right now. They will call you, meet up, show you a MMJ Green Card, buy your sack, and arrest you for selling marijuana. Done Deal your fucked.

Unless the dispensary is your patient (not possible) you wont be selling shit to them. Anyways even if they wanted to buy it they can not compensate any patient or caregiver in any way for any MMJ. So once again NO
wow, that's rather unfortunate. i was hoping az would eventually follow the colorado model... opening a new door for small business, jobs, and tax revenue.
Arizona is a franchise state. They like big business on every corner and very rarely does this state see the value in mom and pop operations. Same mentality behind the MMJ, deep pockets must be the best solution. I call it the McDonalds mentality...
In Washington DC apart of applying for a dispensary was to prove some general knowledge about medical cannabis and to demonstrate that the hopefuls can actually grow the plant or have some experience in that field....
Not here.... The people who want to mass produce don't give a shit about quality, I have met one group and the are heavily funded but do not care one ioata about quality or patients. Their goal is to have a percentage of everyone's business by being the provider. Oh yeah their medicine is wack as fuck and they don't want to hear anything about it. Don't worry we will all be subjected to these meds if they get their facility operational. I imagine they will be attempting supply anyone who knows nothing/ is to scared to cultivate.
Sadly they know very little themselves besides how to make money off others investments... I would feel completely different if the medicine was comparable to what we see here on RIU/ quality.
Maybe karma will come and kick their asses...
it's still unclear to me... will cultivators be able to sell to dispensaries in az? open market [business to business] as long as the seller is legally allowed to grow and the buyer is licensed to dispense? this is how colorado is set up.


There are no "cultivators" in AZ. There are Dispensary owners and there are patients. Period. For awhile there will still be Caregivers until Dispensaries open. Then those Caregivers will no longer be Caregivers.

A handful of people with commercial growing experience will find jobs cultivating at the Dispensaries grow locations. Which each dispensary can only have 1, so it better be massive.

Caregivers currently CAN donate their meds for no compensation to Dispensary owners. I am currently accepting donations at this time if you are looking to donate contact me. Again, I cannot pay you for your meds.
Are you seriously asking caregiver to donate there medicine for free to the pieces of shit who wanna destroy this industry, seriously get that shit the fuck out of here. And your plan above is bullshit there will always be caregivers Because dispensaries will be at constant war being shut down and harassed by local stat and federal authorities and they will be so well documented, the cases will be a slam dunk for the prosecutors. This dispensary system will be in shambles, low quality meds at ridiculous prices And any patient who buys from a dispensary will be tracked very closely by the state, how would you like Idiots who ran that lottery knowing how much cannabis you buy and consume? Furthermore many dispensaries will go out of business because that's what happens when many new businesses open. So there will be a number of patients outside of dispensary areas and caregivers will and have already found those patients. The dispensary hopefuls think they are gonna have a wonderful industry and get rich off of these sick patients by selling them their garbage meds. Well where is it? Seems like it is a lot harder and taking much longer than they thought. Anyone who thinks dispensaries are just gonna open without any opposition or backlash has not been paying any attention or lives in their own reality.
wow, that's rather unfortunate. i was hoping az would eventually follow the colorado model... opening a new door for small business, jobs, and tax revenue.

Very doubtful that Az will ever follow Colorado or be as liberal. Just be happy we got this far.
Patients and dispensaries will be begging the legitimate caregivers for excess medicine...
The owners need to wise up and understand that they cannot hire a real cultivator for pennies.
Maybe you can, but you will get what you pay for...
IMO the humble growers who know their heads from their asses either intimidate the hopefuls or make them feel so cannabis inferior to the point it makes them question their own investment decision.
This would be considered a good thing to some in those shoes; a chance to actually employ someone who knows something about the main facet of this industry and may possibly help set the bar for Arizona.
I totally understand the current mentality:
Inexperienced owners hire inexperienced employees so they can meld them in anyway they want. The catch line is "prosper together"
Regardless of having a good grower or not, lets talk about who the hell is setting up these cultivation facilities!?!?
Some of the big dogs do not want to help other hopefuls with build-outs because technically they are the competition. Also, why would the experienced owners take a "small" lump sum to outfit someone else in the same industry, ultimately bringing them success? They wouldnt, esp if they plan on being one of the big producers... These types want others to feel that their outlets for cultivation success in this business are extremely limited.

A meeting of the minds is what is missing... There only needs to be one or two outfits that hire a real growers and surely enough the other 100+ will be forced to catch on.
Move over second cousin, twice removed, who grew a few crops under some T5's/ low wattage HPS.

The patients who live outside of the 25 mile sanction will benefit the most from 203; solely because they will be the only ones receiving quality meds at a fair price.
The way AZ has the procurement/ growing aspect set up, there is not a fathomable way the black market cannot prevail.
Sadly, this is what MMJ is meant to combat but all the oversight, regulation and rule making by those who have skin in the game has not taken this program very far because the choices that choices thus far have been made based on the potential monetary outcome.
At least law enforcement can rack up some state $$ from busting patient violators... (Fucking waste, but this is AZ.)