AZ GOP/tea party quashes free speech

It was postponed by Republicans. The Republican wrote it did not get enough Republican support yet for the bill to go to vote. If it had, it surely would have been rejected. NOT the opposition, but the very same political party that the bill originated from. Goes to show the legitimacy of the bill, huh?

You concede that this bill is "ammunition". In that I we agree.
You also concede that you would not want to see this bill passed.

With those two things being true, why exactly are we arguing?

Politics is complicated. Things come and go for a huge variety of reasons. Postponed, shelved, used in a deal. Whatever.

What I'm advocating is that educational resources should not be used for partisan politics. This bill just provides a platform for that very debate.

A corporate car, which is given for personal use, is also still considered corporate property and the person using it, at some capacity uses it for work related purposes.

This bill says, if teacher X decides to protest, no matter if on school property or at a public park, they better be sure not to use that vehicle or they are in violation of the law. Not that a school district would EVER give a teacher a car. But superintendents might, and some superintendents are disgusted with the legislation in Arizona as it pertains to education.

Yeah, it's a HUGE stretch to begin with when it comes to vehicles. And superintendents likely wouldn't be given a vehicle marked "for official use only" to take home, either.