AZ outdoors


Active Member
this will be my first outdoor grow so i have a few questions for any other az growers.
1. what month should i start?
2. should i start indoor then move outside or start with seed outside?
3. how much shade should it get?
4. how much nutes should i use compared to indoor?
5. should i plant in ground or large pot?

any answers would help! thanks!


Well-Known Member
this will be my first outdoor grow so i have a few questions for any other az growers.
1. what month should i start?
2. should i start indoor then move outside or start with seed outside?
3. how much shade should it get?
4. how much nutes should i use compared to indoor?
5. should i plant in ground or large pot?

any answers would help! thanks!
1) you probably should have started back in apri, may or june. you can try planting right now, but the days are getting shorter and it likely weon't get too big.
2) best to start indoors to protect the small seedling from high winds, monsoons and the like. harden it off before moving it outside. gradually introduce it to the sunlight
3) the amount of shade it will need depends on what part of az. if you're up in the elevation a bit where things are cooler, it will be less hours of shade then some of the more desert parts of the state
4) nute usage depends on the quality of the soil you plant it in, but about the same indoors or out
5) your decision


Active Member
thanks! so if i were to throw one out now it would probably just go into flower once it matures? also i live in central az so it will need more shade here?


I also live in AZ I started mine in april indoors then transplanted in may now mine are three weeks from harvest. my plants get 12 hours of direct sun so as long as they have the water they will thrive. I recommend the ground if u can but bucckets if u might have to move them.


Active Member
yeah try takin a look at my grow, im probably within 50 miles of you. ahem.. prescott..ahem we started in april and everything is 7 feet tall and flowering out nicely right now.


Well-Known Member
4) nute usage depends on the quality of the soil you plant it in, but about the same indoors or out

I forget who, but one of the growers uses osmocote fertilizer then after he gets the soil fixed up, he never has to do anything but water the plants. It sounds like that time-released fertilizer would work great for you.


Active Member
alright sweet well ima be throwing a about 10 outside in a few weeks. will they go into flower right away? i wouldnt mind that cuz i live in the city so i dont want monsters haha just lookin to get some smoke, all gonna be bag seed. my good genetics stay inside ;P